TWOMINUSONE:If anyone has a disagreement with this statement, then show us the last tournament where it says only European members can play and win. Surely if it costs so much to organise an American game where the members can win a game on a certain course, then it cant be too difficult to organise a game on a European course also? Even if it is only for credits
I don't think there been a comp like that. Actually there was a English only comp once.
I totaly agree too... Australia falls into the Asian region I think... Euro/Asian or whatever like that would be great
i thought exactly the same when i saw
that roger - pffft credits tourney only for US players. just another
WORLD golf farce imo. maybe ill just change my flag and i can play -
seems to be the trend nowadays.
Changing Flags is easy to do and has been done before, I know.... but I couldn't do it.
As I said before... I can understand if the prize is a golf trip in the US, but for Wgt credits, my goodness.... It has made my blood
This is so Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong