claremoreblue:The same players are still going to be at the top
Not necessarily, at the time of writing only 5 legends and 29 tour legend who broke 60 in the 1st round have broken 60 in round 2.
One Legend has now dropped outside the top 160 after shooting a silly score in the the 1st round because his 2nd round was so bad. " Fair play to him for not WD by the way".
Of the 2 guys who shot the lowest rounds of us all, one only just broke 60, and the other didn't manage it.
Look at all the TL's who have WD at the back of the leaderboard.
Yes there are still quite a few to complete R2....but I'll put my house on it that they are hammering the course to death in practice before they are ready to go for it officially.
Single play is the ONLY way to reveal the true best players!