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Release Notes

Sat, Mar 1 2014 6:25 PM (112 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 12:59 PM

    Just wanted to give everyone some updates on the release and some of players concerns.

    Putting Grid - We did this based off of a lot of feedback from players who were having problems putting.  The #1 complaint we receive from new players is how hard it is to putt.  We feel that this new grid will make it easier.

    Putting Grid Bug - We are aware and are trying to get this fixed asap.  I know it sucks that it seems that things seem to break every release.  It is not intentional and we do want to get it fixed ASAP.

    Verification - Verify your account and be able to cash out your credits for gift cards. Players should be aware though that some US States and Countries will not be eligible due to gaming laws.

    Saturday - Be on the look out for one more thing that went in with this release.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:04 PM

    Thank You Shoe .

    I have a question , on the Verify Account , The first line reads it will " Improve your multiplayer Experience "  , Can you tell me what this means Please .


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:16 PM

    The #1 complaint we receive from new players is how hard it is to putt.  We feel that this new grid will make it easier.

    All new (and many not-so-new players have trouble putting. I've never complained following a downtime/new release, but it seems to me that you guys would listen to some of the people on here who have invested countless hours and MONEY, as far as what THEY would like to see. I, along with everyone else, will eventually get used to the bigger dots (I don't putt so well, anyway, so I haven't noticed a "good or bad"/"blame it on the dots effect.

    Putting Grid Bug - We are aware and are trying to get this fixed asap.  I know it sucks that it seems that things seem to break every release.  It is not intentional and we do want to get it fixed ASAP.

    Thank you :)

    Verification - Verify your account and be able to cash out your credits for gift cards. Players should be aware though that some US States and Countries will not be eligible due to gaming laws.

    Since I don't win any credits, this doesn't affect me. However, I do see the CHEATS grinning from ear to ear now. Think about it.......Faking names, DL, addresses, etc is TOOOOO easy nowadays, and now with a way to turn those ill-gotten credits into cold hard cash in the form of gift cards (can be sold for 80-90% of value), the scammers who are already stealing credits from the honest players are going swoop down in droves.

    Anyway, thanks for acknowledging and trying answer everyone's complaints and questions :)

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:18 PM


    Thank You Shoe .

    I have a question , on the Verify Account , The first line reads it will " Improve your multiplayer Experience "  , Can you tell me what this means Please .


    Basically if your a verified account, it is showing you went through a process of verifying that you are who you say you are.  We are hoping this eventually will cut down on the accusations that are sometimes thrown back and forth between players.  Also it could lead to special credit matches for verified players where enough credits are wagered to allow the winner to use them to get a gift card.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • dacrash
    476 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:22 PM

    Putting Grid - We did this based off of a lot of feedback from players who were having problems putting.  The #1 complaint we receive from new players is how hard it is to putt.  We feel that this new grid will make it easier.

    Never seen any posts about the dots being too small.  Must have missed ALL of them if there were enough for WGT to notice and make a change.  Can you direct me to these posts so I can read them all?

    To me, the bigger dots make putting harder as they are in the way. 

    They also make the game look like a cartoon.  More like a toy game instead of a first class game. Keep reaching for the controller instead of the mouse when I get to the greens.

    To make putting easier, making the dots bigger is not the answer.  Giving good views and a more realistic representation of the putting surface is.  Does anyone there actually play the game?  I mean really?  Does anyone there play the game?

    Doesn't matter what any one player or several players think (real players and not phantoms who complain about the size of the dots.), WGT does what they feel like regardless of what MOST real players ACTUALLY want.

    Seriously, I just cant fathom the thinking of the people who make the decisions.  No rhyme or reason, just helter skelter whatever the programmers are actually capable of doing.  Obviously, fixing things for the better is not one of them.  Driving people away from the game seem to be what they are best at.  It's too bad.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:23 PM

    Basically if your a verified account, it is showing you went through a process of verifying that you are who you say you are.  We are hoping this eventually will cut down on the accusations that are sometimes thrown back and forth between players. 

    Nigeria has already offered overtime for any one that wants the work.

    Pull the other one mate it's got bells on it.





    As to the multi's, they are going to have to work at it do what your talking about.  This is not just as simple as give us your name and a email address and your verified. 

    - WGTdbloshoe



    OK so In fairness how are you in a position to check a passport? Outside agency randomly auditing IDs from around the world??
    Don't take it personally but $7 a sleeve, and potentially (being kind) encouragement to multi is not funny either.
    EDIT 2
    What standards do you comply with showing this information people will offer you is safe???
    EDIT 3
    Personally I don't care about the dot size, and never remembering once thinking that was a problem.  
    IMO this was a terrible downtime, and is detrimental to the integrity of the game now, and also to it's long term survival. 
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:23 PM

    Thank you Bloshoe.

    I have a question too but first I would like to try give an answer to Opy even if it's a WGTguru for me. Improve the multiplayer experience might be direct to the chance to play multiround and multi-player game like could be an alternate match up or a blitz too.

    That's what I can understand from my rusted english.

    Here my question for the putting grid. I know that it wouldn't possible but there any chance to getin the future a switch option to pass between the new one and the old version. The new putting grid is fine good but, personal opinion, the white dots are too much brilliant and too much big.

    Thank you to give us notes to the update.


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:23 PM

    Shoe, not to start a rutkess , but would you mind showing a few post that stated the problem with putting was not seeing the moving dots.



    Gary (woodo)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:24 PM

    Duplicate to above - no clue how also got here..

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:25 PM


    The #1 complaint we receive from new players is how hard it is to putt.  We feel that this new grid will make it easier.

    All new (and many not-so-new players have trouble putting. I've never complained following a downtime/new release, but it seems to me that you guys would listen to some of the people on here who have invested countless hours and MONEY, as far as what THEY would like to see. I, along with everyone else, will eventually get used to the bigger dots (I don't putt so well, anyway, so I haven't noticed a "good or bad"/"blame it on the dots effect.

    Putting Grid Bug - We are aware and are trying to get this fixed asap.  I know it sucks that it seems that things seem to break every release.  It is not intentional and we do want to get it fixed ASAP.

    Thank you :)

    Verification - Verify your account and be able to cash out your credits for gift cards. Players should be aware though that some US States and Countries will not be eligible due to gaming laws.

    Since I don't win any credits, this doesn't affect me. However, I do see the CHEATS grinning from ear to ear now. Think about it.......Faking names, DL, addresses, etc is TOOOOO easy nowadays, and now with a way to turn those ill-gotten credits into cold hard cash in the form of gift cards (can be sold for 80-90% of value), the scammers who are already stealing credits from the honest players are going swoop down in droves.

    Anyway, thanks for acknowledging and trying answer everyone's complaints and questions :)

    It is a fine line that has to be walked between new players and older players.  New players need the game to be enjoyable and not so frustrating that they quite after a couple of rounds.  This seemed like a way to not make any drastic changes to the game, but do something that could make it easier for someone new.

    As to the multi's, they are going to have to work at it do what your talking about.  This is not just as simple as give us your name and a email address and your verified. 

    - WGTdbloshoe