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Sat, Mar 1 2014 6:25 PM (112 replies)
  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 10:34 AM


    I don't play for credits really either,

    Well I'm going to be done with this topic for now, but I leave you with this. I believe you do play for credits, you may not play to win or lose them, but unless you are on all starters, you do indeed play for credits.

    Finally, pokerstars is still as strong and as popular as ever before, why is beyond me, sort-of. Unfortunately people are for the most part consumed with their own lives and generally just except these sorts of practices as business models. They just generally don't really care much about anything. People just want to go on, play a few games of poker and get on with their lives, win a few bucks, lose a few bucks, does not matter, it's entertainment value for their dollar they are looking at.

    Just like the coffee maker and various other electrical items with the breakdown chip, consumers generally see these items as disposable anyway.

    Corporations bank on this generally expected consumer model.

    This particular business figures, if we can share the wealth around the community a little and give them a few bones to chase, this will be the road to continued brand loyalty.

    And man over the years, brand loyalty is an extreme understatement among this community, so WGT must be doing something right.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 4:55 PM


    I know that it wouldn't possible but there any chance to getin the future a switch option to pass between the new one and the old version. The new putting grid is fine good but, personal opinion, the white dots are too much brilliant and too much big.



    I would like to remark this and hope the next update will be "the good way".


  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 5:23 PM



    I don't play for credits really either,

    Well I'm going to be done with this topic for now, but I leave you with this. I believe you do play for credits, you may not play to win or lose them, but unless you are on all starters, you do indeed play for credits.

    Finally, pokerstars is still as strong and as popular as ever before, why is beyond me, sort-of. Unfortunately people are for the most part consumed with their own lives and generally just except these sorts of practices as business models. They just generally don't really care much about anything. People just want to go on, play a few games of poker and get on with their lives, win a few bucks, lose a few bucks, does not matter, it's entertainment value for their dollar they are looking at.

    Just like the coffee maker and various other electrical items with the breakdown chip, consumers generally see these items as disposable anyway.

    Corporations bank on this generally expected consumer model.

    This particular business figures, if we can share the wealth around the community a little and give them a few bones to chase, this will be the road to continued brand loyalty.

    And man over the years, brand loyalty is an extreme understatement among this community, so WGT must be doing something right.


    that's in-depth right there!!

    I am glad that you have beliefs. 

    I am slightly confused by what you have wrote.

    Maybe I am stupid and don't get your point.

    Please do clarify.............. since many of you seem to think that I am the problem.  I have been called out enough lately to realize this.

    No seriously.............. Please tell me WTF you are talking about

    I will await your answer

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 5:27 PM


    Some things that will be released will be geared to newer players and some will be geared to higher players.  It's not always going to satisfy everyone.

    Hogwash. You're the messenger so you're spinning this as best you can but I call BS. I don't believe for one second that there were any substantial number of "new" players that whined about not being able to see the dots. In almost 5 years of hanging out in this forum I can't recall a single request by anybody to make the dots larger. That was WGT's idea and by the looks of it all you did was magnify the dots just like they appeared when you use that lame in-game zoom function. The result is distinctly cartoonish. 

    I reserved judgement on the change until I was able to experience it and after having done that I have to agree with the majority here-bad move. I can't do anything but adjust to whatever WGT wants to crud their game up with, and I will, but laying this off to an attempt to make the game easier for new players is as lame as it gets. I don't believe for one second a new player to this game is going to be put off by the size of the dots and will choose to not play because of that. Putting is hard, plain and simple, just the way it's supposed to be. 

    Chad's vision has always been a worldwide golfing community where the game is the focal point for golfing enthusiasts. You're pandering to the TWO crowd, not the golfing crowd.

    Some how i missed this thread. But after reading it all i think YJ you have pretty much nailed it on the head.

    Making the dots bigger was WGT's call. Nobody said anything about making them bigger.

    Hard to believe that they answer any new players e-mail. They do not answer any of my e-mails. Then again i'm glad they don't. Some of the stupid shite they reply back with could enter in comedy show.

    Yes from what i see all they did was magnify the dots. They are not even sharp, since magnified they look all fuzzy. Really makes the game look cheap.

    Really very surprised that Shoe even tried to cover for this nonsense.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 5:50 PM



    Really very surprised that Shoe even tried to cover for this nonsense.

    If you're paid as a dancer, when the music starts you dance. (The stiletto boots and mini-skirt are just part of the routine. ;-) )

    Not, Shoe's fault, just doing his job.

  • GolfingJMan
    71 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:15 PM


    Making the dots bigger was WGT's call. Nobody said anything about making them bigger.
    (emphasis added)

    Perhaps you are right, geraldlarousse.  Perhaps "nobody said anything."  I don't know because I don't know everybody and everything.

    "Nobody" and "anything" are very broad and encompassing words. Unless you know the actual reality of "everybody" and "everything" from a long period of time during which e-mails may have been sent in which SOMEBODY(IES) said SOMETHING I believe passing such harsh judgment is very ill-advised and needlessly vitriolic.

    Hard to believe that they answer any new players e-mail.
    They answered my e-mails when I was "new."  I was polite in my e-mail and I do have at least a small amount of respect for the other human beings on the other side of that e-mail.

    Again, for all I do not know, you might be right.  I don't know ALL of the specifics of this specific situation, and so I'll refrain from passing harsh and bitter (mis)judgment.  And I sincerely hope others do the same.


  • shoeshinethis
    1,090 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:20 PM

    Fire the testers, probably the same group that tested the note pads.

    And probably wouldn't have been a bad upgrade, if the dots weren't so dang fuzzy.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 6:32 PM


    Fire the testers, probably the same group that tested the note pads.

    And probably wouldn't have been a bad upgrade, if the dots weren't so dang fuzzy.

    LOL Shine. Yup fuzzy dots. Makes game look very cheap.  I love some of these post. Makes you think........ mercy. Lmao!


  • dacrash
    475 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2014 9:11 PM

    Putting Grid - We did this based off of a lot of feedback from players who were having problems putting.  The #1 complaint we receive from new players is how hard it is to putt.  We feel that this new grid will make it easier.

    Easy for you to say the new putting grid is going to help people putt.  Your boss has lied to you.  I just finished 9 holes at St. A. with another legend w/avg of 65, and a tour legend w/avg of 62.  TL finished -2 17 putts with 2 three putts.  I finished even with 17 putts, no three putts and the other Legend finished 5 over (was a trooper, if there was sand or rough or water he got it, seriously every hole.)  My longest putt was 4' and the TL's longest putt was 4.5'. 

    With results like this, hard to believe that the NEW putting grid has not changed the putting.  Proof is in the pudding.

    Sad, sad, sad.......................

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Fri, Feb 28 2014 9:34 PM

    I really can't see any difference in the putting dots,they don't look any bigger to me and no fuzz,the only effect the last update seems to have on my game is the instant replay problem everyone is experiencing......