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Sat, Mar 1 2014 6:25 PM (112 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:26 PM


    Shoe, not to start a rutkess , but would you mind showing a few post that stated the problem with putting was not seeing the moving dots.



    Gary (woodo)

    This forum only constitutes a small  number of players who play the game.  The majority of new players don't even realize the forums are here.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • dans1999
    96 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:31 PM

    Just wanted to weigh in that the new putting green is awful. It is throwing off my regularly good putting Also, why are the contour dots missing when I pitch or chip from off the green?


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:39 PM

    How the heck does bigger dots obscuring the line help with putting? The meter rush you give to the putts is the problem, just before reaching ding the meter speeds up almost twice as fast. This with my L94 Nike which has the slowest meter & my Cally slow meter ball.  But go ahead ignore as always, I've only been here 10 hours a day for the past 16 months.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:43 PM

    welcome back from your post vacation, vacation, Shoe.

    Just a minor gripe regarding the update......In tournaments such as TransAmerica don't the players who left it late to post round 2 scores have a distinct advantage as they're able to use better balls ????/

    To be honest, it's not really a gripe, I'm just clinging to any excuse as to why I did so poorly in round 2.....

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:44 PM


    welcome back from your post vacation, vacation, Shoe.

    Just a minor gripe regarding the update......In tournaments such as TransAmerica don't the players who left it late to post round 2 scores have a distinct advantage as they're able to use better balls ????/

    To be honest, it's not really a gripe, I'm just clinging to any excuse as to why I did so poorly in round 2.....

    Also could be a disadvantage since they haven't had as much time to practice with the ball.  Won't know how it reacts to different shots.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • loveclose
    269 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:47 PM

    Been around quite a while, and like others, never had a problem with the previous green graphics.  I did (and still do) have a problem with 10 ft putts on tourney greens still rolling up short to the hole when I've thumped it 10 ft hard!!

    I've also noticed that I used to be able to get a smallish grid around the hole in chippng mode/flop mode.  That seems also to have disappeared.  ATM, I have to switch to putt mode to get an idea of green borrow before switching back to whatever chip mode I want.

    It actually showed the grid in a chipping mode once - so it seems to be very inconsistent as to when it does what it's supposed to do.

    The dot size means nothing to me - but in all honesty, I don't really like the look of it, and again without being offensive, I can't see how it helps any more than the previous graphics.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 1:48 PM

    Damn,  now there is no excuse for me being so poor....Thanks Shoe.

    p.s thanks WGT for the greater selection of Uneven lie RG's

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:05 PM

    So the new putting dots are to make the game easier ....why ??? 25/50 shots a round not easy enough ????

    Maybe if a few players were moaning about it being difficult to putt...were they actually asking for bigger dots?  or in fact just a realisation that it is in fact not TWO easy so they gave up early. 

    A suggestion for you to convey Shoe if i may....

    When something  is released in an update why dont you ask for feedback and rectify after say 1 week if its the agreement of the paying could even have it as a separate thread.

                                          FEEDBACK FOR UPDATE 02-25-14

              Please rate our latest up-dates (1) being excellent (10) being poor

    # New putting grid             1

    # 700 credit nike                1


    ill start it off for you see where it goes..



  • hackerj
    309 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:05 PM

    So why have you removed the grid from pitches and chips around the greens, this does NOT improve the game for anyone. Moving the big square containing the distance and elevation, to a different position so it does not block half your view of the putt would be better. Bigger dots does nothing to help anyone in my opinion.

  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 2:07 PM

    Biger, no.. twice as many would be better. and shorten read time.