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Game behavior if last "good" ball lost or broken

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Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:16 PM (40 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 1:52 AM

    Understand, too, Ice, that these forums are riddled with WGT shills and suck-up queens. Your suggestion was a valid and sensible one, but if it would in any way run afoul of WGT's money grubbing instincts, forget any player satisfaction consideration. What's telling is WGT's constant allusion to making WGT as close to "real" golf as possible. So then, who in their right might, after blowing through a new sleeve of, oh say, Pro V1 balls, will dig to the bottom of their ball pouch and come out with the rattiest, deadest ball they own? Only at WGT is that nonsense the way it works. Yes, if WGT gave a rat's patootie about player satisfaction, they could very easily tweak the program to accommodate selecting from your ball inventory if you lose or suffer expiration of a prime ball. Seriously, this is the closest thing to Stockholm Syndrome I've encountered in civilian life.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 2:05 AM


    What's telling is WGT's constant allusion to making WGT as close to "real" golf as possible. Yes, if WGT gave a rat's patootie about player satisfaction, they could very easily tweak the program to accommodate selecting from your ball inventory if you lose or suffer expiration of a prime ball. 

    But that would make it less like real life. Name me a pro tournament where you are allowed to change to a different type of ball half way around.

    Also if you're playing with bought balls then you are paying for every hit. What do WGT make by switching you to a ball that costs nothing to hit?


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 5:03 AM

    I would suggest WGT automatically DQs every player that runs out of a current ball. This way we could have something new to cry about in the forums. 

    Everyone has the opportunity before their game starts to check their bags and ensure they have ample balls. On top of that WGT has kindly added the last ball feature that allows you to restock during game rather easily.

    It's the players responsibility plain and simple!


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 9:09 AM


    Also if you're playing with bought balls then you are paying for every hit. What do WGT make by switching you to a ball that costs nothing to hit?

    Switching to a "paid for" ball still makes absolutely no money for WGT in this scenario. WGT makes their money when the ball is purchased, not when it is used. The $1 ball that was hit once cost you $1 per hit. Substituted into the game, the second time you hit it your cost drops to 50 cents per hit but WGT makes absolutely nothing on those extra hits. Whether it's sitting in a bag or it's being used makes no difference to WGT or your own wallet. The transaction is already done and over with.

    Allowing such substitutions will actually hurt ball sales in the short term as people use up old balls instead of buying new ones. Once those equipment bags are finally emptied the game reverts back to exactly the situation we have now.

    Substitutions should be allowed at will in practice games. It should also be up to the discretion of a Country Club tournament director to allow substitutions or not in each CC tourney. WGT competitions should remain with the system as it currently is. It works well.

    You're right, b0gey. It's ultimately the player's responsibility to equip the bag and play within the rules of each competition, not WGT's.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 1:46 PM

    Understand, too, Ice, that these forums are riddled with players that have only ever played golf casually (no USGA handicap), and are not familiar with how in a lot of amateur and pro tournaments the Conditions of the Competition are set by invoking local rules as provided for in Appendix I of the Rules of Golf.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 2:20 PM

    Check my bag for ample balls!!! No problem I always bring them with me.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 2:38 PM

    I'm lucky. I just don't like looking at the re-load reminder, so I follow it's advice. 

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 9:26 PM


    But that would make it less like real life. Name me a pro tournament where you are allowed to change to a different type of ball half way around.

    Also if you're playing with bought balls then you are paying for every hit. What do WGT make by switching you to a ball that costs nothing to hit?

    Who said anything about switching balls in play? I'm talking about lost balls and balls that expire during play, when the dreaded freebie ball (aka "rock") is drawn from your ball pouch for you instead of the several bought balls that you've collected along the line that you'd rather use.

    Who in their right mind, in REAL golf, would reach into their ball pouch and paw past a relatively new $5 ball to draw out a (let's say) cut up practice range ball to complete the round? It's an insult and a money gouge and methinks the only ones who refuse recognize that are WGT shills or the incurably ovine, who see nothing at all wrong with customer abuse. Hey, that's just how it is. Ba-a-a-a-a.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 9:27 PM


    I would suggest WGT automatically DQs every player that runs out of a current ball. This way we could have something new to cry about in the forums. 

    Everyone has the opportunity before their game starts to check their bags and ensure they have ample balls. On top of that WGT has kindly added the last ball feature that allows you to restock during game rather easily.

    It's the players responsibility plain and simple!


    Spoken like a faithful WGT shill.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Mar 14 2014 10:41 PM

    Will the World Golf Tour game-play ever be for everyone equally without complaint? My goodness!

    Its amazing how so many people can complain about the most minuscule things within this game. The game physics work well for so many people.

    I vote these complaining threads be stricken from the forums. The players experiencing problems should be automatically routed to Three out of five threads are complaint threads. Enough already.

    Icon and shoe should be on these malcontent threads double time.

    Bollox said it best in his interview with the Golf channel. Here's an excerpt.

    "Too often players place blame on the random deviations that are a part of the game for their poor results on a particular shot or round," he said. "If a shot doesn't work out well, make a note of it and consider that there may be a more optimal way of playing the shot rather than getting worked up about it."

    This just covers a small part of what both newer and older players complain about.

    Come on WGT, make the forums a place of fellowship and camaraderie among golfers who love this game and have a good experience playing. Not a place for a few people to complain that in the end only puts a stain on the whole of a great game.