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Tue, Apr 15 2014 11:54 PM (61 replies)
  • PKRodgers
    24 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 6:06 PM

    As far as I'm concerned, and since you ask for real numbers, I wouldn't spend 5 bucks a sleeve for real balls, any one of which would last me an entire season, much less a virtual ball that gets taken away from me by the program after about 3 rounds. That having been said 20 buck for a virtual driver... ok

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 7:10 PM


    But if you need some help figuring that out, here are some tidbits from WGT's own "About Us" link:

    I do please.

    in your estimate.  Expenditure last two years then next two years overall versus Nett profit.

    Then how that compares to other games out there.

    Just the numbers, no tidbits please:)

    Gracious of you to not require all that to be served up on a silver platter. No sir, YOU look it up and make the case that WGT is *NOT* an enormously profitable business. I've already done enough digging to supply enough surface evidence that it is. Your turn, and good luck getting those 2-year expenditures figures from WGT.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 7:26 PM

    Gracious of you to not require all that to be served up on a silver platter. No sir, YOU look it up and make the case that WGT is *NOT* an enormously profitable business. I've already done enough digging to supply enough surface evidence that it is. Your turn, and good luck getting those 2-year expenditures figures from WGT.

    So nothing, no figures, zero overall business model of entire company enlightenment, zero comparables, nada, nothing apart from surmising then as to what might be fairer.  Argument as concrete as paper mache, and therefore pointless whinging.

    What a waste of time.

    I am one of many who think long and hard about how much I want to spend on this game now.  $7 a sleeve is not throw away habit stuff, but groundless supposition with zero comparables...Sorry mate, not trying to be rude just pointless, and good luck with the mass uprising on FB you will need it, no laws against being profitable.  What you consider fair, surmising as is anyway, is also not the measure.  If you did try it all I can see is a slander suit going your way with it with this hot air, if people bothered to yawn.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 8:10 PM

    I supplied some basic grist for calculating WGT profits for those not so damned lazy to crunch them. It is YOU who has not countered with anything but that tired old chickenshit debate tactic of demanding unavailable statistics and proofs lest you declare victory in the debate and dismiss your opposite as being uninformed.

    Sorry, mate, but it's you who are "whinging" (?) with nothing to offer but demands for obviously (and calculatedly) unavailable figures that would be the stuff of proprietary corporate records. But I guess Brits and probably other Euros are bred for that sheep-like acceptance of whatever government or corporations want to dump on you. Happens different over here on this side of the pond. Well, at least it did until the current White House got occupied by a Muslim Brotherhood operative and tin pot dictator wannabe. But that'll change, just not soon enough for any true American's satisfaction.

    Slander suit? You don't know the difference between slander and libel? I do, and I know where the limits lie. But thank you for wishing me, et al, the best of luck with trying to bring pressures upon WGT to do some minimal customer support.

    You, of course, would be a co-beneficiary of any such considerations that we who walk upright with a spine might gain for all. We'll see. Succeed or fail, at least we won't be numbered among the flaccid lot who are so malleable as to gratefully lap up whatever slop your masters might toss out to you.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 8:44 PM

    I supplied some basic grist for calculating WGT profits for those not so damned lazy to crunch them.

    You supplied mumbo jumbo!

    But I guess Brits and probably other Euros are bred for that sheep-like acceptance of whatever government or corporations want to dump on you.

    Really.  Pragmaticism is not sheep like following whether you say so or not.

    Silly talk sadly does not make your hot air real! Still not one single fact beyond basic grist? Unfortunately in the real world just because you do not think it not fair don't make it an argument to get you rballs cheaper.

    Happens different over here on this side of the pond. Well, at least it did until the current White House got occupied by a Muslim Brotherhood operative and tin pot dictator wannabe.

    Ok a golf site anyway, but you have overstepped anywhere half sensible even by your low standards.

    You, of course, would be a co-beneficiary of any such considerations that we who walk upright with a spine might gain for all. We'll see.

    I listen to reason.  Sadly all the little really quite nasty name calling, bigoted crap you resort to, just because of your of inability to substantiate a reasoned argument does not make your fancy right.

    that tired old chickenshit debate tactic of  demanding unavailable statistics and proofs lest you declare victory in the debate and dismiss your opposite as being uninformed.

    Finally we get there.  Exactly - hot air.  I deal with facts not hot air fantasy.  

    So finally we admit nonsense from someone upset about ball ball costs, and spitting the dummy.  

    Slander suit? You don't know the difference between slander and libel?

    Actually I do.  Fine just here using interchangeably.

    we who walk upright with a spine might gain for all.

    Again just because you can't come up with a reasoned argument you start even more name calling in childish, and really quite nasty little ways.  

    I simply draw the line at you stomping your feet, with very nasty little name calling, insults and bigotry.  It does not make a debate foundation, not here or any where sensible. REALLY!. I was happy to have the debate, but never expected or should have to be subjected to this, just because your ideas were showing no foundation as soon as opened.





  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 9:43 PM


    I supplied some basic grist for calculating WGT profits for those not so damned lazy to crunch them. It is YOU who has not countered with anything but that tired old chickenshit debate tactic of demanding unavailable statistics and proofs lest you declare victory in the debate and dismiss your opposite as being uninformed.

    Sorry, mate, but it's you who are "whinging" (?) with nothing to offer but demands for obviously (and calculatedly) unavailable figures that would be the stuff of proprietary corporate records. But I guess Brits and probably other Euros are bred for that sheep-like acceptance of whatever government or corporations want to dump on you. Happens different over here on this side of the pond. Well, at least it did until the current White House got occupied by a Muslim Brotherhood operative and tin pot dictator wannabe. But that'll change, just not soon enough for any true American's satisfaction.

    Slander suit? You don't know the difference between slander and libel? I do, and I know where the limits lie. But thank you for wishing me, et al, the best of luck with trying to bring pressures upon WGT to do some minimal customer support.

    You, of course, would be a co-beneficiary of any such considerations that we who walk upright with a spine might gain for all. We'll see. Succeed or fail, at least we won't be numbered among the flaccid lot who are so malleable as to gratefully lap up whatever slop your masters might toss out to you.

    (my bold)

    Sir, I'm a 'Brit' and I take offence at your insinuation. However, feel free to continue to show us all what an opinionated bigot you are. I just take some satisfaction that your not a typical American, proven by the "Muslim Brotherhood operative and tin pot dictator wannabe" who were elected to your government.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 9:54 PM

    Well, more of the same old crap. Insisting on hard data and offering none of your own to counter what WGT has up on this web site that indicates quite plainly, for all who will see and can discern, that WGT is, indeed, a gold mine. Only a juvenile could not discern that, and only a nitwit would require additional and unavailable data while providing none to counter what has already been cited.

    And as to name-calling, you started it. But of course, nitwits never take that into consideration.

    I'm done with you. You are truly a waste of time. -- OUT!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 9:58 PM

    Insisting on hard data

    Just one shred of fact please, just one.  Not too much to ask??

    that WGT is, indeed, a gold mine

    Now where did any one dispute that!  It may not be but very probably is, and never the question anyway.  Please read the thread.  

    BTW seeing any business do well and creating wealth is a joy.  

    And as to name-calling, you started it.

    Seriously how old are you? Show me 1 where I started it, and 2 where I did it.  Nope that was all you with no ground again!

    But of course, nitwits never take that into consideration.

    And so we continue.............All I asked for was one shred of fact in the forlorn hope of some serious debate, but yet again as you see no ground the nasty little name calling starts............  Too much..


  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Mar 16 2014 10:03 PM

    Sir, I'm a 'Brit' and I take offence at your insinuation. However, feel free to continue to show us all what an opinionated bigot you are. I just take some satisfaction that your not a typical American, proven by the "Muslim Brotherhood operative and tin pot dictator wannabe" who were elected to your government.

    And yet, I don't seem to care how offended you are.

    But thank you for the flattery that I'm not a typical American (presuming that to mean the over 50% who supposedly (flagrant voter fraud and ballot box chicanery being obvious) voted for him) as I certainly did not vote for B. Hussein Obama.

    "Bigot?" Where'd you get that, Limey?