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I think that it is crazy, that the consistancy of a shot, could be so far from others, with the same calculations!

Sat, Apr 5 2014 8:55 PM (21 replies)
  • Raelenerose
    2,966 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 12:02 AM

    Hi RW couldnt agree with you more.

    You asked, if i'm correct, about the amount of variations in similar shots hit with the same equipment and conditions .

     I have to agree with you its quite exagerated at times.I believe your question did not bring club quality into it nor should it.


    Do you play real golf..what an absurd question to ask .This game has nothing to do with real golf .

    Its a computer game and it is set with variable outcomes for almost every shot ,ie the wind may or may not be as it is shown, the miss of the dinga provides another variable to even hit the ding may not give us the shot we deserve, the ball hitting the fairway is another variable the run/slope of the fairways and greens have variables,the green speeds vary and on many occasions i doubt the hole is actually where its shown, the lies in the rough have variables and then theres the bunker shots that come out like top spin lobs,(i do play real golf and can attain back spin from a bunker )like real golf they say ppfffttt!

    And to top it all off we have the same people at the top of the tournaments all the time with incredible scores and worse than that there are all these people who just moments ago stating even pro's cant hit the same shots twice that then in the same breathe say, the good players on here are just that good ..PLLEEAASSSSEEEE GIVE ME A BREAK the sooner these people go back to fantasy island and watch for planes  the better.

    Its a computer game designed to make money..not to be realistic at all, just make money.The making it ""real"" is just an excuse to add the variables to 

    ...i'll say it again make the sooner you wear the balls out the sooner we have to buy more...pretty simple really aye!

    Personally i'd like to see the extreme Variables given the flick ..its fun to shoot well in this computer game and we all like to have fun i dont play this game to beat people, i like to have fun isnt fun with "all" of these variables and i'm sure there are others like me who dont play as much as they used to because its more frustrating than fun nowdays.I reckon the more fun this game is, the more people would play, and end up spending the same amount if not more.Take away play for credits need  for anyone to cheat if theres no credits.


    Having said all that, i will say, my choice to play and i do.

    Unfortunately RW it is what it is online computer game designed to make money..take it or leave it its up to the individual.

    And i will add , yes i suck at this game and have no idea how to play it at all!! but i'm not blind .

     awaiting  your replies of disapproval



  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Thu, Apr 3 2014 12:28 AM

    RW, the reason no two shots end up the same is quite simple and requires no programming knowledge nor conspiracy nonsense. I'm neither a shill nor a tin-foil hat brigade type.

    The reason is variables, and often things we think of as constants are variable. WGTniv once described the precision on a club as a circle, the higher the precision then the smaller the circle but even on a ding, a ball can end up anywhere in that circle (your aim point being the middle of the circle) if you miss the ding that circle gets bigger and the more you miss by the bigger it gets.

    Now, taking that idea (of the circle) if you then add a certain amount of variability into that circle you are closer to what we are getting. It is thought by most that precision is a constant, I have it on very good authority from programmer types that it is in fact a variable. Other variables can also affect the size of that circle e.g. wind, (often the wind you aim for is NOT the wind you get, it's 'variable') the effects of spin also affect the size of that circle as that too is a variable.

    When you take all of that into account it's much more remarkable that we get any two shots within 5 yards of each other.

    Oh and finally, (tin foil hat time), I'm of the definite opinion that the variability can be adjusted, e.g. it appears to be much more acute in big tournaments and allegedly RG's (haven't played the latter yet so that's hearsay, albeit hearsay I trust), I don't think this is anything done by 'humans' but some kind of RNG monster type of program, i.e. there is no 'them' and 'they' aren't out to get any individual, just sometimes the variables line up for you sometimes they don't, therefore the more you restart and repeat a tournament, the more chances you have of those variables lining up.

    Is that 'realistic'? Hell I don't know, I don't play real golf, but it is an attempt to simulate realism.

  • doran908
    288 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 4:49 PM

    perfectly said raelenerose.

    thank you

  • RWathen
    30 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 5:25 PM

    Don't know how my comment generated this much energy. I love this game, and have said that overe and over. I said that I thought it was crazy that when I played a certain hole multiple times, as I do plan my shots, even though I am very lame at this game,(especially with the Ding), I was at the very same place, came up with the same calculations, actually managed to hit the ding, but the ball went so far out of the norm, it amazed me. Ralenerose gave me the explanation the first time, that I understood, and agreed with. Alot of folks got on here and asked if I play real golf, which I do, and proceeded to compare WGT to real golf. That was shut down, by the majority, which I loved. The second explanation, was that I was playing with inferior clubs. Mayhap I am, even though I did invest in WGT, to have nicer ones. Well Raelenerose came to my defense on that one! Thank you so, because the person must have had me confused with someone else, because, while  I would love to be able to get better clubs, I have some pretty reliable ones. Never wanted a gang of negativity, to come out of a comment that I made, and I am sorry I did now. I apologize, for saying anything about the weird $h!t that happens during a game, and wish all the best in life to every one of my WGT family!  Cheers!   RWathen

  • doran908
    288 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 5:34 PM

    anytime u go against WGT ur going to get loads of negativity. people thrive on the negative remarks trying to prove everyone wrong.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 6:03 PM

    It is thought by most that precision is a constant, I have it on very good authority from programmer types that it is in fact a variable.

    Someone is winding you up.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 6:36 PM


    anytime u go against WGT ur going to get loads of negativity. people thrive on the negative remarks trying to prove everyone wrong.

    No great drama, but not sure about going against Wgt though...

    For the OP....if you inconsistent with your shots... Game has changed now and will change all the time... when you move to a new Tier....  or your Ave Starts dropping.....   We have to change our game for the better...or we will all go crazy .lol

    Enjoy the ride


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 6:49 PM

    Game is golf sim every one agrees - pretty hard to dispute that one.

    IRL as said earlier top players can hit a penny piece at 190 yards (or close to) for fun all day.  A half decent player I knew had a round with Nick faldo once, and he was keeping up with his drives.  Then came a long par 5, and Nick actually hit the ball....freekin miles past.  Those guys are playing a different game to what most imagine.  Same as any sport watch the local park and the ball can go anywhere in lower levels.  Watch elite level and that ball is on a penny from extreme distances........Takes years and some have it to bring out and some not.

    Now also IRL NIKE like us all to believe that their top of the range gear (same a Tiger uses) will improve our game.  That's why we all go out and pay top dollar for NIKE best of when last years Taylormade would do just fine. Ok an over simplification but get the point.

    In this game if your scores suck when compared to most with similar gear it's time to look at your game, not the gear.  Not saying any one was complaining of that, just teh way it works.

    This game attempts to sim major competition.  There even the pros hit the odd flyer (adrenaline or whatever) etc.  Similar to that the top players here don't whinge (for long lol) they get on with it, and on average turn in great scores.  Simple stuff? 

    Out of interest (as referred to above somewhere) WGTNiv did sum it up eloquently as to how this game sims it as per below.  I could not find teh actual thread but I copied it, and to teh best of my knowledge it's an exact copy still:

     QUOTE WGTniv:

    Forgiveness shifts the precision circle left or right (and usually short) depending on how much you mishit and what the forgiveness rating of the club is.  Clubs with lesser forgiveness ratings shift the circle left/right more on mishits.

    This is why (especially on low precision clubs) you can mishit slightly right of the mark and have the ball go left instead.  Mishitting right shifts the circle to the right, but part of the circle is still "leftover" on the left side of the flag, so it has the potential to land there. WGTniv:


    The game is pretty simple.  Precision controls your accuracy.  Imagine it's like a circle that surrounds the flagstick when you aim at it.  The size of that circle is related to the precision rating.  The higher the rating the smaller the circle.  Your ball can land anywhere in the circle on a dinged shot (left or right, long or short).  It will ALWAYS land in the circle on a ding shot, though sometimes it may land in the center of the circle and sometimes it may land on the very outer edge or anywhere in between those two points.  When it lands on the outer edge this is what you guys have come to know as "the beast".  Was the shot pre-programmed? Does it know you're standing on the 17th hole at Kiawah?  No, it's just unfortunate timing.  The result you see is the logical spread dictated by the precision rating of the club over 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 shots taken on the site.  No matter how big or small the sample it'samazingly consistent because it is after all only a simple mathematical formula.  The shot data is spread out amongst all users, so there will be times when you run into a lot of "edge cases" (aka deviations, aka outside edge of the precision circle) and times where you seemingly can't miss the center (even when you mishit).  This is the ebb and flow of the game and it's always been there.  In the short term you will have "bad" days and "good" days.  In the long term (providing they are using the same clubs) any one player will see the same amount of "edge cases" or "deviations" that the rest of the players do.


    It's not perfect but it is extremely good.  I really think looking at singular shots is the wrong way to go when talking overall scores (what most really mean when they talk shots).  Overall scores will get lower the better your stats get, and the top players have the best stats...............

    Please note my comments concern only overall game play for those looking to get to a point where they feel ready for things like RGs and the like / aspiring to L/TL.......................  


  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Sat, Apr 5 2014 8:51 PM
