Do you play real golf?
If so, have you ever hit two shots exactly the same?
Do you think it's possible, even for a professional, to hit the same shot the exact same way more than once, or even 3-4 times in their careers? I'm talking about the club face being at the exact same angle at impact, the ball being at the exact same point in your stance at the exact same point at the apex of the downswing, or the ball being the exact same distance from you and hitting the club face at the exact same spot.
There are a lot factors that have to come together exactly the same at the exact same time to get the exact same result on any two shots.
And we haven't even factored in the wind and it's random nature of blowing here but not there or dying down or picking up right when you hit it, and so on and so on.
If all you had to do in this game was aim at the same spot and ding the shot, we'd all be shooting in the 50's. In real life, if professionals were really that good at duplicating shot after shot, don't you think they'd be shooting in the 50's all the time?
It's just not that simple.