i'm still interested in knowing what your method is, and find it surprising at your lack of willingness to share the method. Likely the reason is it will not withstand the usual scrutiny and be yet again another tool used to justify yet another hunt.
Could someone who he has obviously shared the method with, just state it's legit or not without if you wish stating the method.
A club owner confronted one of her members about cheating (based on this method) the member admitted using a swing Cheat Meter and was banned from the club. That's what I was told.
The 'method', if my memory serves me right.
This is not noticeable with putting, but when the player starts their shots, usually it takes no more than 5 or 6 seconds for the shot from when the swing starts. With a meter cheat the shot takes longer, 12+seconds With the menu box open during the shot, from when the swing starts, the words 'flicker'. I tried it and it happened against three players, but I didnt accuse them of being cheats.
Dedbunnys posts were spot on. (Pages 2, 3+4) He knows the faults in the games programming and how the game can be manipulated. Based on his professional experience, he offered the solutions.
I passed those posts to WGT. The ball is in their court.
This is probably as far the members can go with this at the moment. The next step is up to WGT, to take Dedbunnys advice or not. Unless something new pops out of the woodwork. I didn't get any replies from WGT.
Members could write to the WGT staff here or send emails and ask them to do what the game needs, fixing!
I don't get your comment about Pope Gregory and anyway, I'm an athiest thank God!