CharlemagneRH: I did add extra power to my putt.
Not enough extra power. You need a minimum of 8 to 9 ft of power to get a ball off the fringe. I've experimented with that exact same putt many times. More info on my post here.
If true, that is not at all realistic.
I should be able to putt from 4" into the fringe without being forced to put in 9 ft of power and go 15 ft past the hole.
Complaints about it being too hard to know whether to add 1, 2, or 3 ft onto a putt from the fringe (depending on how much fringe must be crossed in order to reach the green) are only somewhat legitimate on the grounds that the graphical display of terrain cannot be trusted to accurately reflect the data that it is supposed to represent (or vice versa,) but this bug (whatever it is -- I am not sure if this is a fringe mechanics bug or a rogue piece of rough that is, for whatever reason, on the green) is completely unrealistic and ridiculous. Under no circumstances should a putt on the fringe go less distance than a putt on a fairway.