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*** Feedback Needed: New Ready-go Payout Options ***

Sun, Jun 22 2014 7:19 PM (117 replies)
  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:22 AM

    Your dead right there Rocky. If there were high stakes RG's then the top players would stay away from the low level 1's giving others a chance.

    You really think so Dazz ???   I'm not sure I agree.   Years ago when RG's came into play it was pretty easy to double your money - that's where all my earnings came from.   (I about break even on the Match Play Challenges)    However in the past 2 years I can't seem to get 1/2 my money back --- and that's only in the 50 cr and 100 cr RG's ... which I play occasionally (it's rare I do a 200 cr RG).      In the few I do play - check out who's winning them.   All of the top players.    

    But I don't agree with you.   Adding high stakes RG's will never stop the same guys from piling up credits by playing the low stakes ones also.   And there's nothing wrong with that.   These guys are committed to learning & understanding the game, playing a ton of games, taking notes, and remembering each hole --- none of which I do.

    Now a days if you have a regular game like me - if you want to play - you got to pay !!!

    Personally I wouldn't mind a monthly fee that includes unlimited balls (of course it would be different based on the balls you could use)  - would make my budgeting a lot easier :). 

    Just some thoughts ...

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:00 AM

    I also really can't see high stakes RGs keeping top players away from others.  Interesting what they might say but I would think they would churn them out looking at the leader boards.  My game is not up to chitting 27s or 28s at say Merion B9 as very usual enough.  When I was playing a few I could get top 10 enough, but with the cost of balls these days, and a 100 credit RG joint second place maybe getting 270 credits, and outright with wins rarer than hens teeth twas an uphill slog.

    Winners are grinners and fair enough on that.  Those that are very good / play loads also fair play in placing high so often.  No problems with any of that, but 20% rake plus today's ball costs to the house leaves a sour taste in all the above.  

    Finishing top 10 should usually be a little more worthwhile, but with ball costs, the house taking 20% and credits spread so far down the chain there is not enough meat  for those places IMO.


  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:28 AM


    Winners are grinners and fair enough on that.  Those that are very good / play loads also fair play in placing high so often.  No problems with any of that, but 20% rake plus today's ball costs to the house leaves a sour taste in all the above.  

    Finishing top 10 should usually be a little more worthwhile, but with ball costs, the house taking 20% and credits spread so far down the chain there is not enough meat  for those places IMO.

    Exactly !!!

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 4:38 PM


    Your dead right there Rocky. If there were high stakes RG's then the top players would stay away from the low level 1's giving others a chance.

    You really think so Dazz ???   I'm not sure I agree.   Years ago when RG's came into play it was pretty easy to double your money - that's where all my earnings came from.   (I about break even on the Match Play Challenges)    However in the past 2 years I can't seem to get 1/2 my money back --- and that's only in the 50 cr and 100 cr RG's ... which I play occasionally (it's rare I do a 200 cr RG).      In the few I do play - check out who's winning them.   All of the top players.    

    But I don't agree with you.   Adding high stakes RG's will never stop the same guys from piling up credits by playing the low stakes ones also.   And there's nothing wrong with that.   These guys are committed to learning & understanding the game, playing a ton of games, taking notes, and remembering each hole --- none of which I do.

    Now a days if you have a regular game like me - if you want to play - you got to pay !!!

    Personally I wouldn't mind a monthly fee that includes unlimited balls (of course it would be different based on the balls you could use)  - would make my budgeting a lot easier :). 

    Just some thoughts ...

    Nothings going to stop some players playing all the rg's if they have the time in a day,seb plays most and certainly maggo goes for the lower ones first because there's less competition for him to win them,but in general the top players that work and can't play 15 rg's a day and only do 5 or so i would bet by bottom dollar they'd go for high stakes 2k and 1k over 50 and 100 in comps.High stakes would without any doubt cut the number of top players pushing lower players down the line

    Common sense alone says most the top players are more concerned with career earnings and not credits,they have plenty

    Go back to the 2k and 1k rg's over x-mas and note the top 15 or even the 30 who place in them,pick any 100 in or 200 rg on now and try tell me there's the same class of players in them 


  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:18 PM

    Go back to the 2k and 1k rg's over x-mas and note the top 15 or even the 30 who place in them,pick any 100 in or 200 rg on now and try tell me there's the same class of players in them 

    Your 100% right .. the higher credit RG's attract an entire field of top players.   All I'm saying is .. look who's winning the 50 and 100 cr RG's ... while the entire field of 50 may not all be elite players - the elite players are always on top.

    Peace :)

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 5:09 AM


    Go back to the 2k and 1k rg's over x-mas and note the top 15 or even the 30 who place in them,pick any 100 in or 200 rg on now and try tell me there's the same class of players in them 

    Your 100% right .. the higher credit RG's attract an entire field of top players.   All I'm saying is .. look who's winning the 50 and 100 cr RG's ... while the entire field of 50 may not all be elite players - the elite players are always on top.

    Peace :)

    This is true my friend but there's less in than in the high stakes and the more higher stakes there were out there,the elite wouldn't feel the need to enter the lower one's

    Anyway it's the weekend back to the bar for me 

    Peace bud ;-)


  • Premed
    776 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 4:23 PM

    WGT sort out match play bugs first


  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 4:53 PM

    Keep them as they are but Anyone who fails to post a score for a Rg gets a 48 hour exclusion from all Rgs.  This would concentrate the mind and hopefully improve turnover times. 

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 4:59 PM


    WGT sort out match play bugs first



    I wasn't gonna say anything as you had some valid points in the many many many other threads that you either started or hijacked to gripe about the match play bugs. Now you have taken to hijacking completely unrelated threads to again state the same thing you already have in I don't know how many threads.

    I am sorry but eff off out of this thread, it has nothing to do with you, unless you want to comment about RG payouts. Its not for you to decide what they work on or don't work on  first. As is your right you have pissed and moaned and griped in various other places about your dissatisfaction with the disconnect in match play and other multi player games. Well done. Mission accomlished. Go back to those threads and just keep bumping them

    RGs aren't multi player. They are single player for creds, so as I see it this doesn't pertain to you and although you might not think it important, or less important than your precious match play, some of us do. Some of us play RGs, alot, so if they go changing the system it affects us and this is where we are allowed to voice our opinion about it.

    Good Bye


  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 5:25 PM

    nice idea Sara!!! I dig