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*** Feedback Needed: New Ready-go Payout Options ***

Sun, Jun 22 2014 7:19 PM (117 replies)
  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 5:51 AM

    WGT doesn't need any rake AT ALL. Everything goes to them since we are just paying for pixels, wearing out and losing balls that are overpriced and in 6 years,.... they haven't been able to come with a real solution for meter stutters and hiccups other than...clear cache, switch browser, and's your fault, not ours.

    I hate when 5 or 6 tie for first place and 1st takes almost twice the amount. I understand there has to be a winner, but with a second that could have been a first, sucks.If there isn't a CLEAR winner, like by 1 stroke, then I think it should be more even.

     And I don't want to whine, but certainly, sometimes the same Ready Go you won yesterday with a 26-27 becomes unplayable to you. You end up over 30 and missing putts that are clearly rigged. At least is my opinion, even Ready Goes don't escape VEM and ill will.

    Also, get rid of so many stupid RGs that fill up only after 6 or more days. And don't ask for our opinion s to which. Ready Gos have been here long enough and if you don't know, it's like Coca Cola not knowing the ingredients of soft drinks. It is almost common sense that much people don't like Uneven Lies and many people don't like playing Merion, Now mix Merion, UL and 300 credits and you end up with a Tournament that will not fill up in weeks. I guess many wouldn't bother if it were 50 credits only... 

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 6:22 AM

    Asking a business to reduce their rake is unpopular but you ask so here it goes. I personally believe a 10 percent rake is sufficient. Either Dazz or Bollox's suggestion is the best thing for the players but maybe not for WGT. Whatever you guys decide, please do not reduce the amount they are paying now. As dazz said, its hard enough now to make a profit. Thanks for asking.

  • SOYEL1
    698 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 6:32 AM


    Asking a business to reduce their rake is unpopular but you ask so here it goes. I personally believe a 10 percent rake is sufficient. Either Dazz or Bollox's suggestion is the best thing for the players but maybe not for WGT. Whatever you guys decide, please do not reduce the amount they are paying now. As dazz said, its hard enough now to make a profit. Thanks for asking.

    50 players, $1.00 each is 50 dollars. How much do they get out of the 50 dollars?... 50 dollars ... The lucky winner gets 5 hard earned and full of sweat dollars that can, for most, be spent here again... They get ALL, not 20%... ALL. Isn't that enough? Now add balls worn and lost... each may cost over $1.00...


    2,580 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 6:33 AM

    Im not interested in this, as i dont play RG's anymore. But there is 1 thing i would like to see, and that is a 2 tier system if possible. How about creating a system where those who havent a cat in hells chance of winning anything from these can enter a tiered RG where the top earners cant play. A sort of top earning legends in 1 tier, and lower earning legends in another tier.

    Sure, it would probably create a division, but i would definitely enter these again if i knew a had a slight chance of winning some credits. Just a stab in the dark  here, and will probably draw some major criticism, but  otherwise, i wont play them.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 7:17 AM

    If you don`t play well you should not collect.

    I agree.

    RG's are a competition where the best places share the purse.

    Top 10-15 payout should be more than enough for all tiers.

    I'm sure TL's would be happy with a top 5 payout.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 9:00 AM


    this topic should've been about brackets,
    only top 4 gets paid, while IMO should be top 8

    Quite happy with the bracket payouts here, you need to reach the final to actually earn anything as it is. A loss in the semis will only pay for the balls or maybe not even that. I've been fortunate enough to earn just under 10k of pure profit in tiered and tierless brackets in under 3 weeks and I don't come close to the best ones. The most successful legend (the explosive cocktail dude) must've earned 3 or 4 times that in the same time.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 9:36 AM

    At present you can end up getting a $1 back with a 59 in a $2 (so you lose a $1) YET another player in the SAME READY GO gets a $1 back with a score of say 62.  How is this fair ??  Some one who posts 3 shots better than 63 gets the same prize money??

    All this is because a few player grumble because they dont win anything or dont win enough for coming in say 25th place.  Come on, Its a tournament, If you're good enough you deserve the winnings, we shouldn't have to cater for "the losers"  NO way should the players who are in top 10 should get paid less just for some one who is 30 or below to get any credits,  Its getting hard enough to win any $$ as it is.  So many players have got good at this game so unless you can score 57 in some tournaments you're going to lose $$ so paying more players at bottom end is only going to make coming in the top 3 or 4 places where you can actualy double your money, and those will probably be tied with 5 players so you hardly win anything any way.LOL.  

    Please don't take away credits from the winners in ready go's to cater for the losers to keep them happy.

     And I don't want to whine, but certainly, sometimes the same Ready Go you won yesterday with a 26-27 becomes unplayable to you. You end up over 30 and missing putts that are clearly rigged. At least is my opinion, even Ready Goes don't escape VEM and ill will.

    Been saying this for years.  Its like WGT spread the love between us all to give every one a chance to win at different times. I've always said this is a golf SIMULATOR, and a lot of our rounds seem to be on "autopilot" at times. LOL  But knowing all this i play the game for what It is, and enjoy it even more and have stopped whining so much because i know if i cant play well in todays ready go, wgt will "fix" it for me to do well in tomorrows tournament:)

  • Golfspieler
    1,614 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 9:58 AM

    Ready go's have become big joke, who cares. 

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 11:03 AM

    Must be a problem with RG's for them to be asking us for our  opinion. There are only a few players that have a chance a wining RG's.  A tiered system would be a good idea but I have no idea what to use as a way of determining tiers. Average would create sandbagging. A lot more players would enter RG"s if they  thought  they had a chance to win.  Including  myself. It is all well and good to say if you  aren't  good enough then you  shouldn't  win. True I don't throw my credits away by playing. WGT is the looser on this one. Must be hundreds of players like me, maybe even thousands.

    I'm  competitive  and like to win but not when I don't sand a snowballs chance in he!!.

  • skunkyone420
    173 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 11:15 AM


    Leave it the same as it is now. It's hard enough to make a profit as it is without giving credits to more places.

    Ready go's are how most players pay for balls. The ball price gets higher yet you want to lower how much the winners get. You've already taken away the high stakes RG's. Drop the payouts and nobody will play them at all.

    P.S. Sam's option 4 sounds very good indeed. Take 10% away from wgt's rake and share it out amongst 31st-35th
