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*** Feedback Needed: New Ready-go Payout Options ***

Sun, Jun 22 2014 7:19 PM (117 replies)
  • Elepharon
    146 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:25 PM

    Lowering credits for the top 5 players doesn't make any sense, keep it as it is, take only 15% or 10% (20% rake is quite ridiculous, isn't it?) from the fees and give more credits to players on 11th-15th place. Second choice - no credits for 25th-30th place and give them to 11th-15th.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:30 PM

    If WGT reduces there rake from 15% to 10% sure you can pay out extra places with that 5%

    The rake is currently at 20%, not 15% ;-)

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:33 PM

    Either leave it as it is or option 4

  • cizzycustard090
    218 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:38 PM

    Leave it as it is....

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:43 PM

    We have heard from players that they would like to see more players being paid out

    These players need to stop complaining and work on their game.

    Too many paid out already. AT MOST only  the top half should get anything back.

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:53 PM

    Sounds great, but take %10 off WGT's rake....never gona happen...come on really?

    EDIT: or %50 even in WGT's take home....

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 1:57 PM option that simply sees every player getting back 80% of their entry fee?

    Either leave it as it is....or go with Sam's option.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 2:00 PM


    Sounds great, but take %10 off WGT's rake....never gona happen...come on really?

    Pokerstars which dwarfs WGT by about 50x in terms of revenue has lowered rake on games in the past.  As skill edges are reduced due to the standard level of play increasing as a whole, at times games become nearly unbeatable(after including ball wear).  We are almost to that point now with the clubs and balls where the difference between the best player on wgt, and the 100th best player is not that great anymore.  Where in early 2010 when ready gos started, that difference would've been massive.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 2:21 PM

    Seems that most that play RG's use any profit for buying balls, so the 20% that WGT takes is more than doubled. The consensus seems to be that the rake that WGT gets should be reduced, but there's only 2 chances of that happening- slim and none.

  • SwingingRoofer
    456 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 2:30 PM

    how about creds for the free ones give those a fair chance at wining some that are not good enough to compete with the better playersi think alot would appeaciate that hope we see this soon....