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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 8:54 PM

                            Alright everybody. Just to help you out I'm going to list the playoff teams as of September 28th. As soon as all the playoff teams are announced I will update this.

                A.L.- Tampa Bay Rays, New York Yankees, Texas Rangers, & Minnesota Twins. 

               N.L.- Philadelphia Phillies, Cincinnati Reds. There are still 2 spots left that have yet to be decided.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 5:42 AM

    For a while I thought maybe this would be the year the Twinkies get the Yankees' number. New stadium, possibly the best record for home field throughout the playoffs and plenty of time to get healthy waiting to see who they get. The problem is they have injuries to their horses and might have a problem getting out of the first round. They will probably get the Wild Card team (Yankees).

    Tampa will get to the ALCS by whacking Texas and wait for the fallout of the Twins/Yankees and then dispatch them accordingly, probably 7 games if it's the Yankees and 5 if it's the Twins.

    Philly's insane with pitching and chomping at the bit to make up for last year. I wouldn't want to be any team facing them and a possible 4-0 finish.

    IMO the Yankees did a strong job all year but can't get a friggin runner in from third with less than 2 outs. Girardi micro-manages, a la Joe Torre and I hope he goes to Chicago next year. A-Rod has ditched the choke tag but with Tex and Cano protecting him in the lineup it's not enough. CC will be CC and get a win or 2, Hughes will step up and lose a 1-0 type game and Petite will give up 1 too many runs in another close game. Mariano has tasted too much failure in the last month of the season and the mystique is cracked. (Notice I didn't mention the .500 head case Burnett.)

    Tampa over NY, Phillies over anybody and I wouldn't be surprised if they only lose 1 game in the entire post season. They are playing possessed. 

    Stay tuned for the post-Series riot reports from Philadelphia!  :-)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 8:05 AM

                        Just as i suspected. A very well thought out and rational argument. And I gotta say from reading other post's on various subjects I'm not at all surprised.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Well I could'nt agree with you more. Yes I would of said the Twins but, then I thought to myself "this isn't going to last". And sure enough, I was right. Then you got Texas who I beleive was the first team to clinch but, that's only because the rest of the division just stinks. I always thought it was going to be the Yankees again this year. Then the Rays seemingly got back to their old form from 2008, (heck you could even say they are better than 2008), but like you said the A.L.C.S. will consist of Tampa and New York. If Tampa get's in they just don't have enough starting pitching to compete with Philly. And if its New York well I do believe Hughes could very possibly win a game, CC I think would lose at least one game. Why? Back in the 2008 N.L.D.S. Philly rocked Milwaukee's CC in game 4 (I think). Shane Victorino hit his first grand slam off him. Petite......not sure what he is going to do. I'll just go with what you said.

                           And as far as the N.L. goes back  in July if you would of  told me that Philly was even making the playoffs I would of laughed at ya. Then came August and September. Picking up Roy Oswalt before the trade deadline, Cole Hamels pitching arguably better than 2008, Roy Halladay pitching like.......... well.........a beast. (A la Perfect game against Florida) Then a 11 game win streak. I surely didn't see this coming. My only worry is that they rest their starters too much now and the offense becomes as stagnant as a puddle of water in a alley way with mosiquitos hovering around it. I guess it really depends on how much they use their everyday starters from here in out and if the layoff is going to effect Roy Halladay or not. I'm really curious as to see how Roy H. is going to pitch in the playoffs because he has never been to the playoffs. And also if Jimmy Rollins can find his swing before the first game of the playoffs since he is coming off the injury. I guess what really has surprised me is that Philadelphia has the best record in all of baseball.

                            And if Philadelphia does manage to get back to the World Series for the third consecutive year, not done in the N.L. since the Cardinals did it back in the 40's, and win it, then your right their will be mass riots in Philly. With this hardcore fan who lives just a little over an hour west of Philly, starting a few of them and going absolutely crazy. Thanks for the prediction.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 9:23 AM

    CC I think would lose at least one game. Why? Back in the 2008 N.L.D.S. Philly rocked Milwaukee's CC in game 4 (I think). Shane Victorino hit his first grand slam off him.

    Entirely different CC back then. He literally carried the Brew Crew after the trade and entered the post season totally spent. Not so this (and last) year-he's a bull and will dominate. The problem is he can't pitch all the games. 

    As a realist I see what I said above. As a dreamer I am hoping that the September swoon the Yankees have experienced lines them up to be the hot team in the playoffs. A Phiily/NY series would command some serious ratings and would be great for baseball, especially if Philly triumphs.

    BTW-From the Positive Attitude School-did you know that Jeter scheduled his wedding to that fox Minka Kelly for the first weekend after the series is over? I mean like who schedules a NY wedding in November?  :-D

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 9:56 AM

    Entirely different CC back then. He literally carried the Brew Crew after the trade and entered the post season totally spent. Not so this (and last) year-he's a bull and will dominate. The problem is he can't pitch all the games


    You know as I typed that I thought to myself "this is a totally different CC compared to the 2008 one". But I left it in there because I like to live in fantasy land where everything is made of sugar and where the world is at peace, and I don't have to work for a living, and where all my sports teams win every championship in dramatic form. But are absolutely correct. CC will dominate as he has done in the past. And Victorino won't even get a hit off him. But hey you never know. Thats why they play the games. But I too would like to see a New York vs. Philadelphia series only because I want revenge from last year. We had Cliff Lee last year. Dominate! And when Ruben Amaro Jr. let him go and got Roy Halladay I wanted Ruben's head on a platter! Not that Roy was terrible or that he wouldn't be dominate himself, but after Cliff's performance how could you get rid of him. That had to of been a tough decision. But I guess that's why I'm not the GM of the Phillies. Well that and I'm not filthy ass rich either, to name a few reasons. And as far as the whole wedding thing. LOL. I did not know that. He is either really confident or totally concieded. Probably a little of both. LOL.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 10:32 AM

    LOL-OK, I'm in, here's the fantasy. ( Or, like Ricardo M used to say to Tatoo--"Fahntaseee")

    Phils take down Yankees in 6. Fast forward to 2011 Series. New Yankee Cliff Lee returns to Philly and pulls a Doc H. on them twice! ! Yankees win! The-uh  Yankeeeeees winnnnnnnnn!! (Best Jon Sterling voice.) LMAO-Twilight Zone stuff.

    Not sure about Jeter being conceited but apparently he manages his  private life like he does the game-with careful thought and preparation. Here's hoping the Captain's going to bring the intangibles to the postseason.  :-)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 10:50 AM

    LOL. Oh my god. I can't stand Jon Sterling. (The Yankees win, theeeeeee Yankeeeeeeeeeees winnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!) So annoying. But I guess some thought the late Harry Kalas (RIP) was annoying to. I loved him. I can remeber being like 10, 11 years old listening to my Phillies on the radio and hearing "Dykstra hits a long drive, left center's outttttttta herrree!!!!!". Well anyways here is too the good old days, and lots of luck to (can't believe I'm typing this) your Yankees in the playoffs. Well at least I didn't have to speak those words. LOL

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 3:32 PM

    Alright everybody lets keep those predictions coming in and you could be the winner of a sleeve of GI-SD balls. On a side note sorry but I'm not able to buy the new legend ball for I'm only a tour pro.

  • WGTSky
    223 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 6:33 PM

    I'm giving the NLCS to the Giants and that kid Lincecum...because they're my local boys :)

    In the AL, there are always the Yanks who have tons of post-season experience and several key players who always take it up a notch in October...but they're coming into this as the Wild Card and during a dramatic swoon to boot.  If the Sox didn't just get really close with half the team on the DL, I'd be more forgiving of the Yanks' current position.

    So I'll have to apologize to baseball lovers countrywide (especially my very good friends following the Mariners with the kind of hapless dedication typically reserved for Cubs fans)...but AL East is where the real game is played, and it's going to be Rays all the way.


    And should I somehow win some GI-SD's please donate them to a favorite charity :)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 6:59 PM

    Wow!! I really didn't think I would get someone from WGT participating. Heck I was a little unsure if I was going to be allowed to run this contest for I wasn't sure if I was breaking some rule or something. So that's awesome I have WGT participating. Well, your prediction has been written down in my notes and it is appreciated. And in case you haven't read any of my other post's about this game I will state once again (my opinion) overall great game! Thanks for playing! And good luck to you and your prediction.