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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 1:55 AM


    At least neither one of you have to look forward to AJ Burnett to save your skins.


    I'm sorry. :(

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:36 AM

               Well everyone their were two great games on last night. And depending on who you were rooting for you either left happy or you left hopeless. Well at least the Yankee fans (YankeeJim) did. But you have to admit. A.J. wasn't all that bad. I have the MLB network here at my home and they said something after the game that I totally agree with. Joe left A.J. in there too long. They had somebody warming up in the pen for a couple innings and Joe never went to him. (Sorry can't remember who it was) Now Joe's arguement was that they liked what he was doing there in the sixth inning. I guess hind sight is always 20 20. But another thing I found to be quite perplexing was that they walked Murphy to get to Molina. Molina has been on fire as of late. Why would you do that? Well they payed for that move. And now the Yankee's are down 3-1 with CC going and oh yeah no more Teixeira. Now I don't know how Yankee fans feel about CC for this next game but I got to be honest. I'm really not liking their chances. They have their work cut out for them. Congratulations to the Texas Rangers for going into Yankee stadium and beating the defending World Series Champions twice. And if Texas can pull this off I'm not so sure anymore that the N.L. team is a shoe in to win.

                     And speaking of the N.L. COME ON PHILLY!!! What the hell are you guys doing. This is not the time to be swinging at balls in the dirt and out of the zone. Cain is a fastball pitcher and you guys are supposed to love to hit the fastball. You guys got 3 hits!! 3! Hats off to Matt Cain. He was dealing yesterday. Look at his stat line. He went 7 innings, and only gave up 2 hits, walked 3, and struckout 5. He gave up 0 runs. I didn't realize he was that good. So well played sir....well played. But COME ON PHILLY!! Don't make me start "booing" you guys. Because you know I will. And so will the rest of Philadelphia. Well that is if it ever gets back to Philly. Cole Hamels was pretty darn good too. He went 6 innings and gave up 5 hits, and 3 runs, while walking 1, and struckout 8. Not a bad line. I can't really complain about too much in this game. And to be honest I really don't complain too much. I can objectivley look at a game and if team A out performed team B then I will say so. And bottom line is the Giants out performed the Phillies. We just couldn't get anything going. Just 3 times we had runner's on first and second. The 3rd, 4th and 7th innings were those innings. So we had chances. The Phillies are notorious for scoring runs with 2 outs in the inning. But getting 3 hits in the entire game is simply not going to get the W.

                         Well on to game 4. We got Bumgarner going for the Giants and Joe Blanton going for Philly. This could be the highest scoring game of the series. But if Bumgarner comes out and does what he did to Atlanta then Philly is in trouble. On the other side though if Blanton performs the way he did, not only in the past 2 NLCS games, but also the last month of the season then maybe its the Giants who will have trouble scoring. I have watched Blanton ever since we got him from Oakland in 2008 and when he is on he is a really good number 4 guy who by the end of the 6th to 7th inning your either in the lead or your only a run or two down. So don't think for the first minute that just because Blanton and Bumgarner aren't household names that your not going to see some quality pitching. Both are very capable at throwing shutouts. Well I only ever seen Bumgarner pitch once so I can't really back him up too much but like I said before if he does what he did to Atlanta then San Francisco just might go up 3-1 and be on the brink of a World Series apperance. Congratulations to both Texas and San Francisco once again and lots of luck to the Rangers for their first elimination game!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 4:52 AM

    Now you see why I didn't pick them to go anywhere. They have been playing like this since early September, coasting to the finish line. They are not hungry like the Rangers and resting on past laurels is not going to get you past a team playing inspired.

    Yeah, they're still in it and I expect CC will redeem himself today, Hughes maybe Friday, but the stage is set and if Texas doesn't knock the Yankees out then there's no justice in MLB. Texiera going down was excruciating to watch but incidental in the overall scheme.

    Girardi played that game like it was a regular season game instead of a crucial playoff game and got just what he set himself up for-another AJ letdown. Walking Murphy to get to Molina was OK for strategy-the matchup with Molina was decent. Good old AJ was just AJ in not executing the pitch and Girardi looks like a clown for leaving him in there. He was his maddeningly boring, scripted self in the post game press conference and I would really like to see him go manage the Cubs next year. The problem is I can't see who would replace him. Heh, maybe they can coax Torre back. LOL

    As for that "interference" play the ball was way over Cruz's glove and the call was right. What I did get a kick out of was the douchbag dance the fan with the Jeter jersey on did after the play. I'm sure he was part of the exodus after Young's play to end the eighth that left the stadium looking like a ghost town in the ninth.

    Look for a bidding war over the winter for Lee. $25 million for 4 years-starting bid and I'd throw AJ in for good measure. Funny comment on the local AM radio show-SF/Texas would be bad for baseball. Not for nothing but the season is about over for NY. :-(

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 7:15 AM

         Well YankeeJim I do have to disagree with you. I don't think CC comes out tonight and gets the W. And it won't be because the team doesn't score. I just think that the Rangers are on too much of a roll and have all of the momentum on their side. I predict somebody for the Rangers, whether it's Vlad, Molina, Young, Hamilton,or even somebody else in that lineup will crush a 2-run or 3-run shot to give Texas a lead that they won't relenquish. If Texas get's a 2 run or more lead anywhere in this game I really think its over for New York. But, and this is a HUGE but, if they can somehow battle and force a game 7 in Texas against Lee then they just might have a shot. That would be the 4th time that most of that Yankee lineup has faced him and I got to believe somebody at some point will figure him out and crush a homerun. I don't think it will be a case of basehits and manufacturing runs but the longball!

           You pretty much covered everything on Girardi and his managerial skills, or lack there of. But I don't think he is going anywhere for at least another season. And in case you haven't heard yet the Cubs got a new manager. Mike Quade. The interim manager for Pinella when he left. It's a 2 year deal. But who could manage the Yankees? Didn't I hear uhhhh...damn. I can picture this guys face. His name is on the tip of my tounge. He used to play for the Yankees. I know that doesn't really help. I think his name got tossed around before Girardi got the job. He was a infielder. I think he played either first or third base. Wade Boggs? I don't know. That doesn't sound right. If you have any idea as to who I'm trying to think of let me know. Maybe I am thinking of Boggs. But I'm not sure if that's right.

            And yeah that "interference" call. LMAO!!! I saw that idiot fan out there saying something to the effect of " want this" When I saw the replay of that I just started laughing and it was at that point I really wanted to see Texas win that game badly. Now yeah I was always rooting for Texas but after seeing that fan doing what he did. I mean come on. Your down in the series. It was just a solo shot. And it was only the second inning. I know you get pumped up when your team hits a homerun. But with as well as the Rangers have been playing I wouldn't of taunted Cruz like that in that situation. I could see if it was the eighth inning or something. But the second inning. Come on!! Too bad he didn't have too much to cheer about after that. Yeah they took a 3-2 lead a little later but that was it. He was in the car driving home by the beginning of the ninth.

              And let the speculation begin as to the whereabouts of Cliff Lee next year. I heard he really likes it down there in Texas. The Rangers just signed some 80 million dollar contract with some local TV station. So apparentley they are in a better financial situation than they were before this contract. And Lee just seems like a very relaxed kind of guy which leads me to believe that if he really likes Texas and they make it to the World Series  and even win it, I would think that Texas would be able to resign him. I know New York has the monster payroll and can put out the cash. But I really hope Lee doesn't see the dollar signs and stays where he is. I'm sure Texas couldn't match New York in a contract war but I gotta believe they would put forth a contract with enough money and years that would be to appealing to Lee to pass up. The argument the Ranger front office could make is first and foremost he is on a winning team. He knows the system down there so the comfortability aspect of it is taken care of. Plus I don't think Lee really want's to be in the spot light that he would be in if he went to New York. Also they could give him enough security that he could even finish his career in Texas. I don't think he really cares about the money as much as some players do. So I say he stays in Texas.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 7:51 AM

    But who could manage the Yankees? Didn't I hear uhhhh...damn. I can picture this guys face.

    Don Mattingly, now unavailable being Joe Torre's successor. 

    I don't think CC comes out tonight and gets the W. And it won't be because the team doesn't score. I just think that the Rangers are on too much of a roll and have all of the momentum on their side.

    He didn't win 21 games by accident. He steps up, that's his style.

    As for Lee, from Seattle to Philadelphia to Texas, what do you think he's looking for? Certainly not financial security, he has that. He wants a ring and unless Texas pulls it off this year my guess is he'll go where he thinks he will get it. LOL-he already tried Philly so if Texas doesn't pan out then the Yankees get a turn. Just a WAG. Maybe it's a good thing they didn't get him in July. It would have compromised the Yankees' solution to the mess behind the plate by costing them Montero, next year's catching phenom for them.

    BTW, did you notice Jeter's growing hair? Must be Minka telling him no way I'm having a bald husband in my wedding pics. :-D

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 12:36 PM


    Don Mattingly, now unavailable being Joe Torre's successor. 

    Yes!!! Thats it. Good old Don Mattingly. I couldn't think of his name for the life of me. Why is he unavailable? Is he coaching or something elsewhere? Like in the minors or is he a hitting coach or something for another ball club?


    He didn't win 21 games by accident. He steps up, that's his style.

    Yeah. I know. He is argugeably one of the best pitchers in the game right now. I guess the reason I'm doubting him this afternoon is because Texas got to him once or teice in game 1. With the longball if I'm not mistaken. And with C.J. Wilson throwing for the Rangers I just think that Texas wraps it up tonight. Now honestly I would love to see the Yankees try and make a series out of this and win the next 2 before and then just fall completely apart for game 7 against Cliff Lee. But like I said before if it does go 7 games then Texas had better be careful.

    As far as Lee goes. What is he looking for? Well yeah the ring. But I say he would be a fool to leave Texas. They have a "young" and very talented club. I don't think that this is a fluke for Texas. They belong where they are and I think will be back next year. New York is getting old and the way they are playing I think I would be a "little" surprised to see Lee going there.

    And lastly no I didn't notice Jeter growing hair. I'll have to look for that when they play. But you know what. I'll bet the way Minka looks I would shave my head if she asked me to. (Haven't seen what she looks like)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 1:08 PM

    Why is he unavailable? Is he coaching or something elsewhere?

    Successor means replacement. As a National League fan you should look west once in a while. Torre managed the Dodgers and Mattingly was his bench coach. Torre retires at the end of this year and Donnie Baseball takes his place. ( The same ex-Yankee that never got a ring-go figure.)

    CC's going on regular rest and that will make a difference. He had 12 days off between starts and that's an automatic rust belt for him. He couldn't hit his spots and was the first to say that in the post game and that lame ball/strike thing that TBS uses showed that. 

    Completely falling apart against Lee? That kinda takes credit away from Lee. Did the Giants "fall apart" against Doc. No, they got to him. What are the odds that Lee will pull off #4 against the Yankees? LOL-at this point I would imagine every Yankee fan alive hopes to see if he does.

    FYI, Minka Kelly, the sexiest woman alive according to Esquire ........(she was the cheerleader on Friday Night Lights that dated the guy in the wheelchair.)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:03 PM

    Well. So much for the Rangers getting to CC. Now I know....there is still ALOT of ball to play. But so far my "feeling" about CC not coming out and dealing. Uh yeah.. I was wrong. I'm actually kind of surprised that C.J. is throwing the way he is. Well there is always game 6. Well lets just get by this game first. Well yeah Yankees win this one. As I was finishing this post the Yankees just went deep back to back! 5-0!

    Didn't realize the Don went with Torre to L.A. Guess I never really payed attention to them.

    I really didn't mean it like that concerning the Yankees completely falling apart. Poor choice of words on my part. Just meant Lee would shut them down to the point they would pick up a couple of base hits and that's about it. But like I said if it goes that far I would think eventually somebody for New York would figure him out. Plus they would have all the momentum on their side. But plenty of baseball between now and then.

    Minka Kelly is hot. Wow. Jeter is a lucky man.

    Quick question for YankeeJim. Your obviously alot more knowledgeable about baseball overall than I am. I'm not being sarcastic either. So please don't take it that way. Was just wondering now that we are this far into the playoffs. Do you still think the Phillies pull this out and beat San Francisco in the series? I'm not so sure anymore.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:10 PM

    Back to back and belly to belly. Swish and Cano. 5-0.

    Looks like the real CJ showed up this time. Might get to enjoy the thought of Hughes getting even with Colby Lewis Friday.  :-)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 2:12 PM

    There's hope for you guys yet.