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MLB challenge. You could win GI-SD Vapor balls!

Mon, Apr 4 2011 11:46 PM (269 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 3:12 PM

    Do you still think the Phillies pull this out and beat San Francisco in the series?

    Halladay, Oswalt and Hamels are your keys. They each get at least 1 more start so it's yours to lose, especially if Blanton comes through. The Giants are playing like the Rangers and the absolute worst opponent to have in the playoffs is the team that thinks they can win. The Giants got this courtesy of the Halladay game and Cody Ross. If the Phils are champions they will respond.

    Incidentally, the 6th run today just from something that the Yankees haven't been doing-scoring a run on an out. 6-1 and closing.  

    p.s., I'm no more knowledgeable than you here, just into it. :-)

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 4:18 PM

    Yeah I guess your right. About if the Phillies are champions they will respond. I know they can. We all know it. "On paper" they are the best team in the N.L. Hell even on the field they are. The only thing I'm really worried about is their offense. When they slump.......they really slump. Prime example. Cole Hamels. He went 12-11 this year in the regular season. And it seemed that when he pitched the offense would either score no runs or they would score just a couple of runs. Take a look at this stat. 8 of his 12 losses were lost by 3 runs or less. He was involved in a few other losses by the same margin but got a no decision because he kept them in the game. But anyways my point is that when one person slumps it seems like the entire team slumps. But when they are on...then at this point there aren't too many teams in either the NL or the AL that could hang with them. But again your right its our's to lose. The only thing that has us this far in the playoffs, obviously, is our pitching. If it wasn't for Ruben Amaro Jr. getting Oswalt then I think there is a good chance we are down 3-0. That is if we even made the playoffs. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Pivotal game tonight. I'm...........cautiously optomistic and nervous.

    Incidentally, the 6th run today just from something that the Yankees haven't been doing-scoring a run on an out. 6-1 and closing.

    Well its now in the bottom of the seventh. 6-2. Unless the Yankees start comitting errors and making bad pitches then they got this one in the bag. I's not over till it's over. Because I have seen and I'm sure you have seen plenty of games where team A is down by a decent amount or points to team B and team B implodes and team A ends up winning the game. OOOOooooooothe Yanks nearly tacked on two runs with a shot down the left field line that went just foul!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 4:46 PM

    The Grandy man strikes again. It's Mo time and he ain't giving up 5 runs. Yahoo, made it to Friday.  :-D

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 6:29 PM

    Congratulations YankeeJim! And now my Phillies seem to be as flat as they could be.     :( OhhhhhhOhhhhhh woaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Goodbye flatness. Placido Polanco just gave us a 1 run lead!!!!!!!! I pray we can not only keep it but add more to it.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Wed, Oct 20 2010 6:48 PM we go. Up 4-2 and we give one run back. Please Phillies get out of this inning and go the rest of the way without giving up anymore runs.

    Well its now down to the bullpens. This is getting very interesting and nerve racking!

    Nooooooooo! Damn. Chad Durbin gave up the lead. I knew it wasn't going to last. Your right YankeeJim. The Giants think they can win and like you said that's very dangerous!!

    Ok. Bottom of the seventh down 1 run with only 1 out. Rollins goes to field a potential double play ball and fumbles it. Yeah....we are done. I know we still have 6 outs to work with but we are about to go down by at least 3 runs.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 4:38 AM

    Somebody go over to Yoda's house and make sure he's OK. That was a tough game to watch for him I'm sure and having just gone through the down 3-1 feeling myself I can relate to the sick feeling.

    Sorry, Yoda, but this is what you have to do now-focus on tonight and pray Doc gets you to 2 down, 1 inning at a time. (Interesting parallel with the Yankees-both aces have to perform to keep going.) If he does you get to have the help of 50,000 rabid Philly fans at your home field Saturday with Oswalt stepping up, which he probably will. Then you have a bigger problem-you have to go back to Hamels for game 7 and the Giants aren't afraid of him.

    The Yankees are in the same boat but have a better #3 pitcher. Unfortunately, Texas has Lee on full rest. Sure ain't looking forward to that but how many Yankee souls would have been sold for that scenario after game 4? LOL-it's getting interesting!

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 6:08 AM

                What can I say. I'm so........disappointed in the outcome of yesterdays game. :(  When we tied it up at 5 heading to the bottom of the ninth inning I was feeling pretty good about the situation we were in. Oswalt, I thought, would keep us in that game and we would have at least 6 extra outs to work with. But hey I gotta hand it to the Giants for getting the job done. They did what they had to do to win that game. Now, Roy Halladay has to do what we all know he can do. Which is dominate for at least 7 innings.

                 Here is what I'm thinking. If Roy and the offense can somehow muster together some runs tonight and hold on to win, then we go back to Philadelphia for game 6. Roy Oswalt goes for us in game 6. And if he can do what he did in game 2 and the offense can again score some runs then that means we got game 7 coming our way. Now lets say we get to game 7. Cole Hamels vs. Matt Cain. And if Cole runs into some problems then I gotta believe Charlie would call upon Halladay to go a couple of innings. I'm sure Oswalt would be out of the question because he would of just pitched the previous day. But he could essentially use everybody that we have to try and put together a series clinching win. But that's ALOT of if's. And ALOT has to happen between now and then. Can we do it? YES...we can. Will we do it? Hmmmm....yes we will! Confidence baby.

                   But let's take a step back and take this one game, one inning, one pitch at a time. We got Roy for these situations. Ok.....I'm sure nobody that has anything to do with the Phillies organization could of imagined being DOWN 3-1 in the  NLCS. But if there is one pitcher that I would want out there in this situation, Roy "the perfect game and no-hitter in the same season" Halladay is the guy I would want!! Like it has been all season and all playoffs long its the offense or the lack there of is what concerns me the most. We have our work cut out for us. We have to go against a 2 time CY Young award winning pitcher in Tim Lincecum. And if it comes down to the bullpens, like it did last night, then again I'm not liking our chances. All I can say is that we have to play error free baseball and capitalize on any Giant mistakes. And another thing that needs to happen is that if and when we get baserunners we have to be more aggressive on the basepaths. We can't rely on getting basehit after basehit to score runs. Not going to happen against Lincecum. And the way were are NOT hitting the ball isn't helping the situation. And I hope they aren't stupid either. Smart decisions when and if you get on. Don't try to force the big play alot or your just going to screw yourself and end up losing the game.

                   So hopefully this is the last time I say this, congratulations to the Giants on getting the big win yesterday. And I must say congratulations to the Yankees for getting the big win against Texas. Now they got.....Phil Hughes going for them in game 6? And Pettitte for game 7. Just like the Phillies they have their work cut out for them.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 6:59 AM

    Ahh Yoda, it's a good man who can be in pain yet still so thoroughly congratulate the other team for doing a good job.  Way to be!

    It's beginning to look like my prediction of  a Texas - San Francisco World Series could become a reality.  Hmmm... there go all those east coast viewers.

  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 7:33 AM


    Ahh Yoda, it's a good man who can be in pain yet still so thoroughly congratulate the other team for doing a good job.  Way to be!

    Thank you there fella. I try to give credit where credit is due. And the Giants deserve all the credit at this point. I wish they didn't but I can't deny it...they do.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Oct 21 2010 7:40 AM

    DMM's a master at it-that's all Seattle fans do.   :-D