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Thu, Jul 10 2014 4:58 PM (161 replies)
  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 3:34 PM

    I thought i share some light on truth. 

    Everyone have a version of truth. Sometime it gets mixed with facts. 

    We all humans talking to ourself all the time through others. One thing we do not want to know is that we are talking to ourself. Its like want to live in macro level. 

    Everyone knows truth subconsciously , you can call it self created blankspot for brain. We hope it is always hidden there and never spoken off. It is better that way.

    Lets live in illusion , forget truth. We only talk about truth when we are lightheaded.

    it is lot easier to live when you think less. Some call them simpletons. I say it is natural form.

    Because we lifeform always look for shortest route to anything.  May be its nature or CODE of evolution. 

    As for what is absolute truth is , it is better for you and me , i do not say what is truth is. We do not want to know , we just like to play with our mind.

    May be lets sugarcoat that truth little bit , say we are limited beings. 

    Like a frog in the well thinking it is emperor of the universe.

    sounds schizophrenic eh?.

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:20 PM

    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:42 PM


    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 

    You following  the kid around just to be snarky is a little schizo as well.

  • Beryman
    9,098 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:44 PM

    too deep for me!

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:51 PM

    Everyone have a version of truth. Sometime it gets mixed with facts.

    My opinion....;o)

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 5:56 PM



    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 


    You following  the kid around just to be snarky is a little schizo as well.

    Well I like to follow the forums, not my fault he's always writing something comical like this or asking retarded questions. It's a forum and anyone can respond.  If he ever made a post that was the least bit useful to anyone I wouldn't bother. But that will never happen. 

    Nothing useful just always jibberish.

    Your telling me what he said makes sense to you?


  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:03 PM

    Making Sense.

    Its relative. Depends on what perspective you hold. 

    For simpleton , its too much word play. 

    Lot easier to criticize things than try to understand , it need lots of work. :)

    Broader perspective , calmer your mind is. narrower the perspective , more angry you become because you can't understand. 

    Its all there , you just have to see . 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:39 PM




    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 


    You following  the kid around just to be snarky is a little schizo as well.

    Well I like to follow the forums, not my fault he's always writing something comical like this or asking retarded questions. It's a forum and anyone can respond.  If he ever made a post that was the least bit useful to anyone I wouldn't bother. But that will never happen. 

    Nothing useful just always jibberish.

    Your telling me what he said makes sense to you?


    It doesn't have to make sense to me. This is the "Everything Else" section. Don't like it then ignore it.  You go out of your way to troll the kid because you want to.

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 6:52 PM





    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 


    You following  the kid around just to be snarky is a little schizo as well.

    Well I like to follow the forums, not my fault he's always writing something comical like this or asking retarded questions. It's a forum and anyone can respond.  If he ever made a post that was the least bit useful to anyone I wouldn't bother. But that will never happen. 

    Nothing useful just always jibberish.

    Your telling me what he said makes sense to you?



    It doesn't have to make sense to me. This is the "Everything Else" section. Don't like it then ignore it.  You go out of your way to troll the kid because you want to.


    I never said I wasn't posting on purpose. I have just as much of a right to comment as anyone else. You Don't like what I'm saying ignore it.  Hypocrite much? And fyi 2500+ posts yet calling me a troll. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.

    if I've offended you somehow by commenting on this babble my bad. He brings it on himself though. So not sure what your belly aching about fella.  Just happens to be my opinion that his post made zero sense.  




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 7:00 PM

    Actually not a bad post, better than your quests to conquer TL lol.


    Everyone have a version of truth. Sometime it gets mixed with facts. 

    We all humans talking to ourself all the time through others. One thing we do not want to know is that we are talking to ourself. Its like want to live in macro level. 

    In essence yes, but here is the twist. To truly "know yourself" then theoretically no outside influences would exist to influence you. Obviously this is not realistic so outside factors "model" you. Then it is up to the individual to make informed decisions - there is no right or wrong way to reach your destination.For want of another term, free thinking springs to mind - ones who are willing to challenge their own thought process, thinking and outcomes.

    What you are saying is the truth gets blurred, this is because they are not truly at peace with who they are and cannot challenge their own thoughts.The ones that can are at peace and truthful to themselves.

    To think less is not necessarily being a simpleton, it may be out of ignorance or it may be because they are simply at peace with their environment and self.

    The fact is we are all different, some of us like to push boundaries, take chances and expand our knowledge.

    But as Berryman said, too deep for me - a simpleton at that.