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Thu, Jul 10 2014 4:58 PM (161 replies)
  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, May 23 2014 9:54 PM


    Atleast i know i am a fool  Always was. Always will be a fool. Its all good.



    It is all good, I don't speculate anything about you in "real life" as that would be pretty stupid.  You could be a genius right?  

    You do some off stuff in wgt though. I hassle ya and we banter, no real harm done.  At least we have something to say. We aren't just spouting off 7th grade comebacks at each other because putting a whole sentence together would require a brain that developed past a 3rd grade level.  

    Anyways it's getting late I'm gonna have to get my helpers to lift me back into my wheel chair and then transfer me to my bed.  Being as my legs can't hold me up anymore, plus I lost a foot to the diabetes at the age of 28. hahaha Us fat fat Canadians and out obesity problems up here. 






  • yldcatz
    66 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 12:23 AM

    play golf

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 1:16 AM



    Atleast i know i am a fool  Always was. Always will be a fool. Its all good.



    It is all good, I don't speculate anything about you in "real life" as that would be pretty stupid.  You could be a genius right?  

    You do some off stuff in wgt though. I hassle ya and we banter, no real harm done.  At least we have something to say. We aren't just spouting off 7th grade comebacks at each other because putting a whole sentence together would require a brain that developed past a 3rd grade level.  

    Anyways it's getting late I'm gonna have to get my helpers to lift me back into my wheel chair and then transfer me to my bed.  Being as my legs can't hold me up anymore, plus I lost a foot to the diabetes at the age of 28. hahaha Us fat fat Canadians and out obesity problems up here. 







     Pair of bromantic fools.     ;)

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 2:37 AM

    Truth, covered in security.. I can't let you smother me .. Dig it!


  • rollone
    777 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 4:50 AM

    Truth, covered in security.. I can't let you smother me .. Dig it!



  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 5:41 AM

    Truth: In accord with fact or reality. Sometimes the truth can be frightening, hurtful and better kept to ourselves. I was taught to face the truth at a very early age. If I know it will hurt someone,  I will stretch it a little  and find another way to make my point to the person I am talking to. 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 7:16 AM

    Sometimes the truth can be frightening

    Truth - 0bama is the worst President in history and it frightens me

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 7:19 AM



    And as







    I am finding it hard to believe your not schizo lol

    This look like something somebody who is on crack would write.... Blah blah blah and makes about as much sense as trying to nail jello to a tree. 


    You following  the kid around just to be snarky is a little schizo as well.

    Well I like to follow the forums, not my fault he's always writing something comical like this or asking retarded questions. It's a forum and anyone can respond.  If he ever made a post that was the least bit useful to anyone I wouldn't bother. But that will never happen. 

    Nothing useful just always jibberish.

    Your telling me what he said makes sense to you?



    It doesn't have to make sense to me. This is the "Everything Else" section. Don't like it then ignore it.  You go out of your way to troll the kid because you want to.


    I never said I wasn't posting on purpose. I have just as much of a right to comment as anyone else. You Don't like what I'm saying ignore it.  Hypocrite much? And fyi 2500+ posts yet calling me a troll. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.

    if I've offended you somehow by commenting on this babble my bad. He brings it on himself though. So not sure what your belly aching about fella.  Just happens to be my opinion that his post made zero sense.  


    Well then you know I'll comment all I want as well. Hit the gym.



    That's great Your entitled to your opinion. However I didn't realize I would hurt your feeling so much replying to alex. Shall I email you some tissues since you got all but hurt about me replying to this thread?

    And as for your amazingly disrespectful comment "hit the gym" I'm going to take that as your calling me fat. LOL I didn't realize I was having a conversation with a 11 year old boy. Very classy fella you are.

    Somehow you want to take a giant personal rip at me because I think somethings jibberish. 

    I mean clearly your a master of linguistics just like alex coming out with the old your fat hit the gym talk.  

    Have a nice day and remember to keep it down in your mothers basement at night! Just referring to you assuming I'm fat ..Since we're going to the old your fat and other silly thing portion of the evening.

    Alex is a fool And I know that, you however do not know a thing about me, so your really foolish to throw something like that at a person. Clearly you two are fools together. Good luck with the wedding.

    Clearly your feelings got hurt having to take a jab like that? Apologies child, apologies.

    I'll be done with this now as there is no way I can argue with "hit the gym".  Aren't you just  the man. 


    Jeeez^ anger management much?  ;)

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Sat, May 24 2014 9:32 AM

    I think i wonder why people do not stay with topic of the thread. Why anyone want to know their personal story. 

    This is not the place for that.

    Anything opposite of our thought process is frightening. That is why we conviniently ignore truth.

    And Live in a LIE is easy.