I had already played in two rounds and had started a third when....
Right now, as I write this, I'm unable to "Play Now". Every attempt gives me the error page and defaults my status options to "Guest". I reset to any other then guest, hit "Play Now", the error page comes up and my status goes back to Guest. Done it over 10 times now. I logged out, ran a registry cleaner and a system cleaner, found some minor problems, fixed them and returned...to no avail. First time this has ever happened.
And while I'm at it, I also notice that my stat page is not registering any changes. My "Longest Drive" has been exceeded several times with no update for it and my FIR/GIR hasn't changed for at least a week that I'm aware of.
WGT, the problem has to be on your end. Any immediate help would be greatly appreciated on both fronts. I will continue to try playing but right now, I must wait for you.
Just logged out and ran my ParetoLogic Internet Security cleaner and my PC MRI Anti-Malware...totally clean and am still unable to play. Been 45 minutes now.