People miss their own stats in the dream land of what it is not their fault. Too harsh to look at the cold reality?? And that's away from the OPs only intermittent visits:
If your fways in reg are not near where top players are, then what on earth is extra distance going to achieve??
Dist to pin. Top players are what 10 feet or even better. If that's not near what on earth does any one expect a new driver to achieve???
1 putts. Really good putting starts at 50% for genuine players. People well below expect a driver to putt for them too??? More nonsense.
Top players stats come from many real tourneys too, no banging grass off BoF.
The only people I ever see really whinge about this are people that do not have good stats, but of course it must the the seldom few extra driver yards holding them back.
The R1 is nice don't get me wrong. I blew my stats apart last year in August chasing the L93 black going round all 18 in par 3s. My choice and got my reward. Some peoples stats are still not recovered fully, but their choice and accepted as such. Oh for the glitch back then, lol.
Opinions may be made as it's open here, and fair enough. The opinion about the glitch for fast XP recently being a cheat is as absolutely ridiculous as the R1 solving all the woes magically.
Very upstanding members of the community in this thread used that too skoot through a level or so super quick, and do what get a L97 set of irons a bit early at a level set by WGT. That was not cheating. Cheating is multi accounting and the rest of it.