k88ss: I have been playing this game since 2009.
k88ss: I have played a long time
Mate you joined in 2009, and so then the definition of playing a long times gets subjective in this case. Basically you joined in in 2009, and played intermittently. Not going to bother with the math, but clearly you missed out on several consecutive day streaks by failing to log in, and spend 2 minutes doing one hole via community link.
You are fully armed to easily get to TL as it stands with what you have. I therefore assume it's simply a case of wanting the extra toy shop trip, and fair enough to recommend it be lowered as your opinion.
Worth pointing out though you would be the first to see any meaningful impact of scores compared to what is already available to you. It just never has/don't work like that, and different thinking is cloud cuckoo land. Not saying you do think that but some are under that delusion*.
Personally I think WGT do need to shake things up. Either lower the availability of the 287 yard stuff (EDIT: L94 / 95 maybe) or get funkier. Now getting funkier is not something for jam though. Get TL put in 400 RRs (yes usually 500 save one or three anomalies no clue on) then the next 100 get a say 57 on a mixture of most courses and champ tier, and toy shop opened a little early. Different threads on that particular discussion.
Wish you luck a special toy shop offer comes along although score wise never been a difference (compared to what is long since available at L92) except n the minds of a few of those that do not have it . I would think about that 1 hole more often though if you decide to hang around.
*EDIT 2:
k88ss: before I can purchase a new driver that would help make me competitive.
I missed this bit, and so take it back about you not being one of those. Your statement is quite ridiculous.