Well then, I guess i had better put my 2 bobs worth in then.
Firstly, let it be known that I agree with most of the consensus in this thread in that people are free to go to any country club they wish, there is no 'contract' on any player.
AussieNutcase:trying to steal others away from established CC's to their own CC from ones they were in b4 . This is unethical and morally wrong. ..................
Nutcase, I appreciate what you are trying to do here and although my memory of you is a pretty distant shadow, I am largely unsure as to why you would feel compelled to make your opinion of what has or has not being going on in any country club public?
However, I have recently been given the full story by one of my members and although I don't think your post was necessary, thanks for the consideration.
OK, so on to the topic at hand.
courteneyfish: Enticing players to leave their club is
unethical and no decent upstanding owner would do it.
alosso:That said, as a CC owner I'd not invite a player
who is a member of another CC - he has to quit there first, then he will
be subject of my sympathetical assessment.
I agree.
If you want to build your CC there are other avenues of advertising your club in the WGT portal and outside of it, Than to actively go pursuing members already existing in another CC.
AAA gets many requests to join the club on a daily basis and I go through the merits of each request - we rarely go out on a spree of recruiting for whatever reason.
But I digress from the topic in hand.
em3griedel:I do have to make it perfectly clear that I don't "poach" members.
Hmmmmmmm. Is that right?
As I understand it , Nutcase (OP) was told bout EM3GREIDEL trying to poach one of his WGT friends, an AAA Member which prompted his creating this post.
I have had members who are still in the club also describe to me the approaches by EM3GREIDEL to join his new club (including derogatory insults to me) and others in fact sent me messages letting me know that they have decided to accept his invitation and have thanked me for their AAA experience.
Ultimately I respect their wishes and their desire to have the new challenges and opportunities that the LOL club indicates it will provide them.
In fact it has been quite an eye opener to read the messages from members who have declined his invites and their reasons for staying and their offers of help and support to a bigger and better club.
aichapman: and is a good bloke and doesn't deserve this
misinformation spread in the Forums.
Unfortunately, this isn't as much misinformation as it is fact.
If we need any other proof that GREIDEL does poach ad-hoc from other clubs, favouring those with high WGT $$, one only needs to go to his own wall and see a message from another CC Member who also recognises the definition of 'poaching' & asks him to not send any further invites to join.
Here is a screen capture for your bemusement JIC.