WGTdbloshoe: Like I said I am not sure how the bank is going to be set up.
Since you're "our voice" to the designers/programmers of this future bank, maybe you can tell those that are writing the bank the idea ...
Just like a credit game, when a member contributes money into the CC bank, WGT takes their cut ... right now that cut is 20% (so 12 credits will give the member 10 net credits in the bank (rounded up).
At the end of a CC event, the owner or their representative can pay out the credits as gross credits (i.e. 10 credits to MemberA ... and MemberA receives 10 credits in their account).
Either that or WGT allows full credits into the bank and takes their cut when the owner pays out the credits ... no double-dipping please!
I'm really not asking you how it's going to work ... just asking you to mention how it should work to your programmers/designers.
Edit: Honestly, I do understand how the CC's have worked out various work-arounds and how this will eliminate the need for said work-arounds. It wasn't too long ago we had one of my rants discussing this topic.