The gentleman who you originally spoke with is no longer with the company. There is no way he can personally respond.
- WGTdbloshoe
Thank you for that much information.
That announcement in no way absolves other WGT administrators and upper management from dealing with this. It's a promise that was made by a WGT employee and administrator. Someone in management now has a responsibility to take ownership of it and resolve it on behalf of both the company and we the customers. This never should have been allowed to go on for the 7 months that we know WGTadmin was still with the company (that is when his activity stopped). If he did leave at that time it should not have taken another 2 months of my continuous posts for someone in the company to respond.
At the very minimum an apology from someone in management for the way this has been handled for the last 9 months is in order. Someone from between the level above WGTadmin all the way up to MrWGT should be making that apology, not a moderator.
This also still leaves the original issue. WGT has a responsibility to protect its credibility as well as protect its customers from intentional fraud by suppliers.