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New CC Pass

Thu, Sep 11 2014 9:49 AM (39 replies)
    409 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 8:16 AM

    Have a question or 2 about the new CC Pass.    I have been buying 5 passes at a time.   I used 3 so that left me 2..LOL  (I know I know simple math).    This morning when I came on to WGT I expected to have 3 CC Passes.  As I am suppose to get 1 free one every 12 hours from what I understand.   But still only had 2 CC Passes.  Question is if you already have some CC Passes.  Do you still receive the free one every 12 hours?         Thanks  Doc  

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 5:05 PM


    409 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 5:15 PM

    I think I know the answer.  It will only reset you a free CC Pass if you don't have any CC Passes left in the tank.      But not sure until Icon or someone lets us know.    Thanks

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 5:34 PM

    It has been posted that the clock resets to 12 hours AFTER you use your last Pass. So no free pass until the bought ones are used up.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 5:54 PM


  • JDShoemaker
    209 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:01 PM

    I am new to CC's so a question.  What purpose do then passes serve?



  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:41 PM


    It has been posted that the clock resets to 12 hours AFTER you use your last Pass. So no free pass until the bought ones are used up.

    I was just going to ask the same thing. Thanks for the answer. I have 1 hour until my next pass (I know it's rounded to hours, so not exactly sure of when the new pass will come). I considered buying one, before I play and get the CDP bonus, so I wouldn't have to wait for the free one. If I play now, I wouldn't get the full benefit of the pass, so I guess I'll just have to find something to do for an hour :-(

    Even though we get a free one every 12 hours (after the use of one), it would be nice if the purchased ones didn't "kill" the free one. To me, that logic will only deter some players from buying them. It would be better if "only" the free one reset 12 hours after it's use. Maybe have 2 icons/symbols with one showing the free one, and one for purchased ones. That way you could use the free one 1st, have the clock reset, then if you wanted, use your purchased ones, and not have it affect the free one you have coming 12 hours later. Just a thought.

    If you buy several at a time, can you use them back-to-back, or is there a waiting period between uses? I tried the search bar, but for some reason, all I get is an empty/blank page.

    Not complaining at all. I LOVE, and am very appreciative of anything that is free :-)

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:52 PM

    Even though we get a free one every 12 hours (after the use of one), it would be nice if the purchased ones didn't "kill" the free one. To me, that logic will only deter some players from buying them. It would be better if "only" the free one reset 12 hours after it's use.

    Hey Jay ... I started out all gung-ho to get as much CC Credits as I could for my CC.  The first day, I used the free pass, then bought another.  A few hours later, I played again.  At that time I had 9 hours until my next free pass.  

    I purchased one more pass and when I was finished, I had 11 hours until my next free pass.

    So I won't be buying any CC passes until they get this issue sorted out.  

    To me, they are losing money being greedy like this.  Don't start the "free pass counter" all over again if someone buys a pass.  And if they have multiple passes, don't get all cheap and punish those that are buying passes by not giving them the free pass.

    You really need to rethink this one, WGT.  You're losing money doing it this way!

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:59 PM

    punish those that are buying passes by not giving them the free pass.

    Hey Kat....I agree. It is like a punishment. I got mine as soon as I finished my original post, and thought I'd try and see if the pass stays if you restart a round. I played a hole, using the pass, and restarted, and the free pass was gone. It asked if I wanted to buy one. So, for anyone who might not know this, if you use your pass, DO NOT restart the round.

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 9:25 PM

    So, for anyone who might not know this, if you use your pass, DO NOT restart the round.

    this is the main point i think i had a multiplayer game go back to the lobby using the pass finished the round out (even though the pass didnt show up any more during the game) it didnt say i got the xp points for using the pass but i checked the cc and it did add the points 

    i didnt have to buy a new one either nor was i asked to during that game