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New CC Pass

Thu, Sep 11 2014 9:49 AM (39 replies)
  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 9:42 PM

    but i checked the cc and it did add the points 

    I didn't think to check the CC for the XP's. Not sure how many XP's it had, so not sure if I could tell. When I restarted, it did ask if I wanted to buy one. Maybe it's different in multi-player rounds because the disconnect issue is not the fault of all players involved.

    It's a new thing, and I'm sure the kinks will get worked out.

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 9:46 PM


    but i checked the cc and it did add the points 

    I didn't think to check the CC for the XP's. Not sure how many XP's it had, so not sure if I could tell. When I restarted, it did ask if I wanted to buy one. Maybe it's different in multi-player rounds because the disconnect issue is not the fault of all players involved.

    It's a new thing, and I'm sure the kinks will get worked out.

    I check my points in the cc if im gonna use the pass every time just to make sure it worked or not 

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 11:16 PM

    I check my points in the cc if im gonna use the pass every time just to make sure it worked or not 

    Good idea. Thanks!!

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 12:45 AM

    I think I got the same problem Doc.

    Bought this morning 2 passes, used 1 less then 12 hours ago so I suppose to get a new one within 2 or 3 hours but the counter report next pass in 12 hours. That's not should be an issue, we now know that the counter restart from the last pass presentation, the real issue is that WGT sometimes forget to tell to the customers how a new product works.

    That's God We Have a Great Community.




    Note to self suggestion, purchase passes only when counter is zero.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 4:31 AM

    WGT sometimes forget to tell to the customers how a new product works.

    + 1

    Sometimes! WGT has such a SCAM  of a system in place it is actually laughable.

    1st. let me say - The CC XP point system is a freaking SCAM. But again, WGT is in the business of making money not explaining HOW they make it. 

    2.) What the hell is a "Recruit"?

    3.) What control does an Officer have?

    4.) Specifically - what is a CC Director?

    5.) What control does a DIRECTOR have?

    6.) As the CC Owner, once a Director / Officer is in place - what control do we have over an Off. or Dir. decision?

    and 7.), etc,,,etc,,,etc,,,on and on and on and on,,,,,,,,,,,,


  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 4:55 AM


    2.) What the hell is a "Recruit"?

    3.) What control does an Officer have?

    4.) Specifically - what is a CC Director?

    5.) What control does a DIRECTOR have?

    6.) As the CC Owner, once a Director / Officer is in place - what control do we have over an Off. or Dir. decision?

    and 7.), etc,,,etc,,,etc,,,on and on and on and on,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Future Phases

    -Player CC Titles will be tied to your bank access permissions and also enable some people to help the owner administer functions for the club. this turned out to be very complicated and will take some time to develop.  Thanks for your patience.


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 5:33 AM



    Future Phases

    -Player CC Titles will be tied to your bank access permissions and also enable some people to help the owner administer functions for the club. this turned out to be very complicated and will take some time to develop.  Thanks for your patience.

    TY PT. 

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 5:26 PM

    Not having read up much about it, I do use the free pass every day and figured it was a scam for WGT to make yet more money when they started asking me to buy them.  It's great if you have thousands of credits you don't know what to do with, but I am hardly in that position.  I throw way too much money at this game already!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 6:43 PM



    It has been posted that the clock resets to 12 hours AFTER you use your last Pass. So no free pass until the bought ones are used up.

    Thanks Z for chiming in. So I guess it would be safe to say that by purchasing multiple Passes at one time there is a very good chance you could miss out on the Freebies if you are not careful.

    Very good Question by the Op and a great reply by Zio.

    I made a fatal mistake the other day....  I had 2 hours to go before the new Wgt day started for bonus Xp points and 3 hours to go before I get a new pass (or something like that) So I decided to buy a pass because I thought I would get the freebie soon....  Wrong.

    I used my Pass that I purchased and I spotted Next Pass in 12 hours.... doh .... lol

    My advice to everybody...  wait till the free Pass comes in...  use it,  then and only then buy another Pass straight after (if you choose to do so)  Sounds like something out of Mission

    Use your passes for 18 hole games,  and the first game of the new Wgt day...  to gain the more Xp points.... don't use for ctth games as not many points there.  Careful with Multi Player Games....   not too sure if somebody disco's the pass will be lost or not.

    Have Fun Peeps


  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 7:17 PM


    So, for anyone who might not know this, if you use your pass, DO NOT restart the round.

    this is the main point i think i had a multiplayer game go back to the lobby using the pass finished the round out (even though the pass didnt show up any more during the game) it didnt say i got the xp points for using the pass but i checked the cc and it did add the points 

    i didnt have to buy a new one either nor was i asked to during that game 

    Thanks for that information, I was wondering because I have been getting disconnected while using my pass's and did not know if I was receiving my CC EX points after being disconnected.