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New CC Pass

Thu, Sep 11 2014 9:49 AM (39 replies)
  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 7:29 PM


    Use your passes for 18 hole games,  and the first game of the new Wgt day...  to gain the more Xp points.... don't use for ctth games as not many points there.  Careful with Multi Player Games....   not too sure if somebody disco's the pass will be lost or not.

    Have Fun Peeps


    This has been my idea. I dedicate one 18 hole round to the club as the first round of collecting my daily 880 while using a free pass. I just don't see the value in paying for these passes or  using them in multi-player games that can have questionable outcomes like discos. I know folks are hoping for the greater XP's but reading all the complaints it isn't worth it. It's all for virtual nothingness anyway IMO...

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 8:32 PM
    The CC XP point system is a freaking SCAM. But again, WGT is in the business of making money not explaining HOW they make it. 

    2.) What the hell is a "Recruit"?

    3.) What control does an Officer have?

    4.) Specifically - what is a CC Director?

    5.) What control does a DIRECTOR have?

    6.) As the CC Owner, once a Director / Officer is in place - what control do we have over an Off. or Dir. decision?

    I don't think you are being fair. They said on the release that the Officer/director business will be released at a later date as they are still working on it. There is lots of information on your new club home page on the game client too. As for recruits it's pretty self explanatory and the club owner can change the newb classification whenever they want.
  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 2:37 AM


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 1:00 PM

    My personal view of the CC XP system - In typical WGT fashion, extremely GRAY. To "accurately" follow CC's X point totals is absolutely impossible. The freaking money they are pulling down with this latest SCAM has been perfectly timed and again the system is soooo freaking gray that WGT can add, subtract, multiply, divide the freaking XP's that it is virtually impossible to know exactly if the overall community CC XP #'s are accurate and correct. I don't care if you're a math major you could NEVER follow the overall point system. IT IS RIDICULOUS, PERIOD. 

    BUT this said I will give WGT A LOT of credit for "creativity" and knowing just how to sway your customers to spend more money with some very imaginative features. Cooperate minds can be impressive and I do have to say, I am impressed.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 1:31 PM

    In typical WGT fashion, extremely GRAY. To "accurately" follow CC's X point totals is absolutely impossible. The freaking money they are pulling down with this latest SCAM has been perfectly timed and again the system is soooo freaking gray that WGT can add, subtract, multiply, divide the freaking XP's that it is virtually impossible to know exactly if the overall community CC XP #'s are accurate and correct.

    Sorry edge, you're wrong on this one.

    If you go to the CC main page where the members are listed and follow the action as you play with a CC pass, each time you take a stroke, both the personal stroke experience and the contribution gets 1 credit.  (You may need to refresh your browser's main page)  At the end of the game, the game bonus and the daily XP (if you are playing to contribute it) gets added without error.

    How do I know ... I'm an extremely anal math major and I've checked it myself to make sure WGT was doing this correctly.

    The nice thing with computer programs, if it works once without error, it will continue to work (unless they try to fix something that isn't broken).

    So, while you want to get all the CC owners breaking out their tinfoil caps, it's not necessary.  

    With that said, I'm hoping WGT will get the crashes under control when players play for CC XP.  Since my last crash playing single-play practice mode, I haven't experienced another (a little over a week now).  I just haven't been able to play with others in practice mode without a crash.  Hopefully soon!

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 3:41 PM

    Sorry edge, you're wrong on this one.

    Wasn't stating fact, just an opinion.

    My personal view of the CC XP system

    How do I know ... I'm an extremely anal math major and I've checked it myself to make sure WGT was doing this correctly.

    Okay,,,,if you think so. 

    Either way of anything the XP feature is accomplishing its goal - to make WGT fast money in which case for WGT is what it is all about anyhow. 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 3:59 PM

    Either way of anything the XP feature is accomplishing its goal - to make WGT fast money in which case for WGT is what it is all about anyhow. 

    The first rule of business ... don't forget about the money!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 4:06 PM

    +1 to Kats post. I too have checked that the points are added to the club, and so far has been 100% correct.

    I am not quite sure to why OTE's has so much angst, disgust or disdain to this apart from your assertion that it is based on an unfounded WGT greed.

    Well the last time I looked, it is a company which is designed to make profits - isn't that what the capitalist market driven society strives to do?

    Cooperate minds can be impressive and I do have to say, I am impressed.

    I am not sure about cooperate minds, but corporate minds do try to turn a profit - they are the ones who invested their money and as such desire to reap from it.

    You seem to expect that because (and this is an assumption) that WGT should have a philanthropic approach to the users as it is profitable, or that (again an assumption) that profitability should be capped!

    If that is right, it appears to me to be based on the principles that your country has fought against and why the US has the respect of the majority of us World Citizens,

    Please feel free to wall post me again.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 7:54 PM

    They're charging 37 credits which you don't have to pay. In return you get free shotpal and putterpal and they let you level up more quickly. Pretty poor scam if you ask me.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Aug 24 2014 8:18 PM

    I just haven't been able to play with others in practice mode without a crash.

    I was able to use 3 passes today without a crash, the free one and two bought.. 1 practice MP and 2 Alt-Shot games, all paid out to CC and myself.

    with this latest SCAM

    Yup big scam New