overtheedge: In typical WGT fashion, extremely GRAY. To "accurately" follow CC's X point totals is absolutely impossible. The freaking money they are pulling down with this latest SCAM has been perfectly timed and again the system is soooo freaking gray that WGT can add, subtract, multiply, divide the freaking XP's that it is virtually impossible to know exactly if the overall community CC XP #'s are accurate and correct.
Sorry edge, you're wrong on this one.
If you go to the CC main page where the members are listed and follow the action as you play with a CC pass, each time you take a stroke, both the personal stroke experience and the contribution gets 1 credit. (You may need to refresh your browser's main page) At the end of the game, the game bonus and the daily XP (if you are playing to contribute it) gets added without error.
How do I know ... I'm an extremely anal math major and I've checked it myself to make sure WGT was doing this correctly.
The nice thing with computer programs, if it works once without error, it will continue to work (unless they try to fix something that isn't broken).
So, while you want to get all the CC owners breaking out their tinfoil caps, it's not necessary.
With that said, I'm hoping WGT will get the crashes under control when players play for CC XP. Since my last crash playing single-play practice mode, I haven't experienced another (a little over a week now). I just haven't been able to play with others in practice mode without a crash. Hopefully soon!