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Sat, Sep 20 2014 2:25 AM (39 replies)
  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:28 AM

    Well I had a look at jimbog stats and now I don't feel so bad. T/Legend !!!!! 


  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:39 AM


    Well I had a look at jimbog stats and now I don't feel so bad. T/Legend !!!!! 


    I thought you only wanted sensible comments

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:49 AM

    Are you advocating some sort of cheating here?

    Yes most definitely - I call it practice.  And yes I know I lifted half before you start:)

    ( Sorry, couldn't resist as I see you playing bold on others quotes).

    Gosh the nit picking police here again:))  It's allowed.  Used to emphasise.

    VEM does exist on the game (personally I like that it does) and that is his main point.

    VEM is not hurting the OP, and that's the only main point this thread.

    I would be interested in knowing how often it affects people, does it happen to the best TL's once a round but TP's once in a blue moon for example?  I'm not saying this in a "we should be told!" sort of way, just mildly curious.

    If you go with the way most agree it works the better you get the more it will have an effect.  What it does not do is stop serious stats (I do not include easy CC stuff doing that) happening from v good players as that bit is all down to them, and that's the real point.

    I am sure the OP can / will get better.  We all did that part of the journey, but thinking VEM  won't do that.



  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 5:59 AM

    It also works better if you use nike balls and all the other expensive eqt..

    all of which some of us can't afford

    think this subject has run it's course.


  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 6:01 AM

    Thanks dodgy putter for some sensible observations



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 6:04 AM

    It also works better if you use nike balls and all the other expensive eqt..

    Your R11s and L33 Callys are just fine to get really v good stats.  Many have done that.

    think this subject has run it's course.

    Yep going that way fast.  Last word though just play the game IMO and you will get the rewards as you learn.

    EDIT: Slower meter clubs may help you if dinging is an issue though granted.

    Loads of advice in the forums / probably your CC....


  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 6:16 AM

    Do I detect some mellowing in there Jimbog ?



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 6:26 AM

    Do I detect some mellowing in there Jimbog

    Mate all I am saying is forget all about VEM or any whatever's on you. It's not your problem in any way shape or form.

    Yes hardware the R11 irons are top flight, but the meter is not for all.  The L33 Cally ball is perfect for your game (or L34 one slow mo but cost  appreciated).  You absolutely do not need a Nike ball as the spin settings are fussy ++ .  I know players that have great stats with the L33 Cally (excellent ball and best value in the pro shop).  

    BUT there is no point in the R11 irons if all you are doing is missing much as they will punish you (top flight risk v reward clubs meter / spin / the lot ).  Other (slower meter) choices exist, and something to think about is all I am saying.  

    Then concentrate on just improving / enjoying, and forget about  the game hurting you itself until you have great stats which I am sure you can / will get if you do that.

  • russellie
    668 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 7:38 AM

    Point taken


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 8:32 AM


    Are you advocating some sort of cheating here?

    Yes most definitely - I call it practice.  And yes I know I lifted half before you start:)

    Thing is, it sounds like I asked random question like that.   The fact you said "You just need to get your stats under some semblance of remote control" and it's in response to that is fairly important.  No worries though next time I'll know "remote control" is a technical term for practice.  The other thing is, I was kidding, I didn't really think....., that's what the bit in brackets, below, was intended to show.


    ( Sorry, couldn't resist as I see you playing bold on others quotes).

    Gosh the nit picking police here again:))  It's allowed.  Used to emphasise.

    I'm not sure if you really don't get what I object to or if you just don't care. An example; if I wrote: " I think this is a really good game, generally fairly priced but maybe with the price of balls Wgt has got it wrong". 

    I may see on your next post: 

     balls! Wgt has got it wrong!!!! .
    then you may go on about my aggressive and negative attitude etc.

    This would no longer be what I said but you would be pretending it is.  If you want to stop making out it's a quote and argue with part of what I say that would be different/fine.

    Maybe nit picking, and really nothing I can do about it except point it out and maybe occasionally return the compliment.

    Now I feel like I hijacked, sorry Russ but at least only when the thread was pretty much finished.

    I do think jimbog and others are right in that it's not worth getting too stressed about negative VEM, it's meant to happen when you're scoring well.  I look forward to some, lots even.