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Sat, Sep 20 2014 2:25 AM (39 replies)
  • ebbwmikey
    441 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 9:32 AM

    please whip that brown stain off yu fekking nose wgt is corrupted to hell and ther aint a god damn thing anyone can do about it iv been on this site now for 4 yrs and this is the worst its ever been my understanding vem don't exist look else where ie. your meter which on a birdy or a eagle putt will over run or stop short thats how the meter is programmed smaller size holes which i have proven and sent a numerous amount of replays and what do the cowards come up with oh it looks like a bug and have you reported it WTF do you think im fekking doing wank ing over it ??. and then we have the phantom green breaks not vem its an invisible break they they programed in to screw us.then we have the under hit yardages over hit yardages flag says its ie 218 yrds your ball stops 218 yrds and your ball is still 4 ft from the flag. colored putting lines my understanding is down hill putts Red = fast. orange = very fast. black slow then up hill putts blue = fast and black = slow wgt are mostly colorer blind they keep changing from hole to hole depending on yu score its all a money making scam by wgt who at the moment are craping in Thayer dippers knowing that there is another site on the horizon which WILL ruin this site so its make a fast buck and exit approach from them the only anuses that will stay here are the one's that have cheats that totally rip wgt off  for credits.

    anyway that my penny's worth so if any brown nose likes to slag it off feel free because i could give a fekking rats ass   

  • mbcarp99
    1,078 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 9:45 AM

    I look forward to reading your moaning rants on the new sites forum and if you think i'm a brown noser then i don't give a rats ass what you think either

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 9:56 AM

    please whip that brown stain off yu fekking nose wgt is corrupted to hell and ther aint a god damn thing anyone can do about it iv been on this site now for 4 yrs and this is the worst its ever been my understanding vem don't exist look else where ie. your meter which on a birdy or a eagle putt will over run or stop short thats how the meter is programmed smaller size holes which i have proven and sent a numerous amount of replays and what do the cowards come up with oh it looks like a bug and have you reported it WTF do you think im fekking doing wank ing over it ??. and then we have the phantom green breaks not vem its an invisible break they they programed in to screw us.then we have the under hit yardages over hit yardages flag says its ie 218 yrds your ball stops 218 yrds and your ball is still 4 ft from the flag. colored putting lines my understanding is down hill putts Red = fast. orange = very fast. black slow then up hill putts blue = fast and black = slow wgt are mostly colorer blind they keep changing from hole to hole depending on yu score its all a money making scam by wgt who at the moment are craping in Thayer dippers knowing that there is another site on the horizon which WILL ruin this site so its make a fast buck and exit approach from them the only anuses that will stay here are the one's that have cheats that totally rip wgt off  for credits.

    That looks like the outcome of someone pouring a can of Alphabetti Spaghetti onto a page. 

    But, nowhere near as funny as the OP titling this thread VEM2. LMAO!

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 11:01 AM


    First of all can we have sensible comments on this VEM issue without others hijacking the thread. with stupid nonsense.

    Agreed, forget the nonsense and do what I did and read the VEM programming. It may be a few pages, but once I read AND UNDERSTOOD what was written, all my questions and concerns were met. It's functioning in its normal manner, I have had good games and bad ones. Maybe your experience has been different. 

    You can ask for, occasionally concocted, responses for the forum, or rather, go directly to the uninterpreted source.


  • fancygirl4u
    91 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 12:30 PM

    I can't play an alt shots game or tournament without having my shots go to the wrong place or fall short, when they were hit longer in low wind. WGT has a way of ruining my games and I am really sick and tired of the crap. It's got to stop or something else will be done. I know others are complaining about the same thing and WGT doesn't care to change it or even address the issue. Chad Nelson is an idiot to allow this kind of crap to happen on this game.

    The VEM is ruining the game not making it better. It was a wrong thing to get involved with and obviously has been addressed numerous times even to suggest a Class Action Suit to get then to remove it.

    I have talked to a former WGT employee that informed me that the VEM is programmed to alter your shot so that you use up golf balls trying to figure what to hit. They are operating illegal cash games also where their own employees win them so they don't have to payout. That's illegal and the Federal Government will be coming soon to file a suit . So good bye WGT and you should have listened to your players complaints and responded with fixing the problem. To late now, your caught. It;s just a matter of time. CYA.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 1:19 PM

    I'll defer to Paul for response to that nonsense.  LOL

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 1:55 PM

    please, please , please...don't feed the money hungry WGT corporation, all they want to do is make money(most of us just call this business)...

    Enjoy yourself, while you sit back and wait for the other site to open(bankrupt site that is) you can watch WGT go belly up with a smile on your face knowing you did it!..

    The only way, ONLY WAY, to get the ball rolling though is all of you have to leave!

    Remember, it all starts with YOU!!! Without you taking the 1st step, the movement can't get going!! Then when you get to play on the other site and realize you still can't play, you can blame them and take that site down too by boycotting it!!!

    Imagine how much fun that will be!

    OR, stay and STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would rather put up with VEM any day than all the f'n whiners...

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 2:12 PM

    That's illegal and the Federal Government will be coming soon to file a suit

    Yup they're at the door now!


  • TCorliss
    82 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 2:50 PM

    Just happened to me lol was playing best of birdied first 3 holes then had par 3 st. andrews 180 yrds. Up hill 4 fett so i added a yard. 19 plus crosswind. I hit at 183 or 184 and I think my ball went in the Atlantic Ocean behind the hole lol.I love this game and I hope what everyone is saying isnt true but I cant explain how my ball flew that  far,far enough to lose it smh

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sat, Sep 6 2014 3:52 PM


    please whip that brown stain off yu fekking nose wgt is corrupted to hell and ther aint a god damn thing anyone can do about it iv been on this site now for 4 yrs and this is the worst its ever been my understanding vem don't exist look else where ie. your meter which on a birdy or a eagle putt will over run or stop short thats how the meter is programmed smaller size holes which i have proven and sent a numerous amount of replays and what do the cowards come up with oh it looks like a bug and have you reported it WTF do you think im fekking doing wank ing over it ??. and then we have the phantom green breaks not vem its an invisible break they they programed in to screw us.then we have the under hit yardages over hit yardages flag says its ie 218 yrds your ball stops 218 yrds and your ball is still 4 ft from the flag. colored putting lines my understanding is down hill putts Red = fast. orange = very fast. black slow then up hill putts blue = fast and black = slow wgt are mostly colorer blind they keep changing from hole to hole depending on yu score its all a money making scam by wgt who at the moment are craping in Thayer dippers knowing that there is another site on the horizon which WILL ruin this site so its make a fast buck and exit approach from them the only anuses that will stay here are the one's that have cheats that totally rip wgt off  for credits.

    anyway that my penny's worth so if any brown nose likes to slag it off feel free because i could give a fekking rats ass   


    Site is  corrupted as it gets,all money and and dead game walking

    But WGT brought it on themselves,no game ever has got worse over 2 years,until this one

    I guess at some point they was taken over by greedy money men

    I hate cheats as much as anyone here but after 2 and half years here i now get why they do it,no come back whatsoever

    I've played or come across most the top guys here and hope they carry on doing what they do best,there is a class of top players here and some gr8 guys.

    There's a company of idiots of around 20 or so players who cheat with WGT knowledge to try get what the top players have who go day to day thinking they achieve something,we'll good luck to you pansy's too

    As for the wgt team

    Well 2 quotes will never leave my memory 

    WGTicon "The more you complain the less we here you"

    WGTadmin "we will try again the high stakes" 3 months ago and nothing since TOSSER