GoldCard: The best mathematician on the planet would be completely lost hitting a ball at wgt unless he also had a 100% reliable method of knowing exactly where he was going to click the meter!
So long as you can get it going anywhere close to the right direction, distance control is 75% of the game. A player will never do well hitting the ball 10% too hard or too soft, but a missed aim click can still yield a good result. I missed an aim click on a ~15-ft putt last night by about a half-inch, but much to my surprise, it went in the hole. (Another example: I just played KIA 8. I missed the ding on my drive by about 1/8-1/4 of an inch, but it still got within 2 yards. I dinged the putt, which was a pretty easy putt, but it missed because I read it wrong... I aimed just off the edge of the cup, but apparently there was no break at all.)
Armed with the ability to put in the correct distance and decent green reading, almost anyone with V2s or G10s can become a 64-68 average player, no matter how bad their aim clicks are (within reason.) OTOH, someone that can't control their distance worth a damn, but can get 75% dings, has no chance whatsoever of getting below a 70 average. No amount of dings can turn a bad player into a good player.