With a sprinkle of defense, I must say that I most always read the Michael S. postings with salt. I appreciate that he is always blunt and willing to expose his "spur of the moment", cockamamie, homemade philosophy without a tincture of embarrassment. Always edgy.
As for the photos, I enjoy the vast array of the different representations I see. Could be a CC banner, a Coat of Arms, a cat, a dog, a squirrel, or my favorite, Andyson...such a looker. The real photos are neat to see, and display a certain amount of free spirited boldness. The vulgar, tawdry photos of "suzycreamcheese" or "bigdickjohncock" display an amazingly low level of stupidity.
The subject generic photo displays an avatar with the same dead, lifeless eyes that the shark has. And too me it displays someone who is either new, without computor skill, or someone lazy who is on their 5th or 6th re-invention....;-}