Right!, First off, I've read all the threads and posts regarding this topic on the forum and the apathetic replies to them!
I'm a very social individual who prefers to play in a group rather than a 'Billy no mates' who would rather play on their own. I like the 'craic' and the banter between like minded players on a round (of which I've had many), but the quitting thing is doing my head in now, so, to that end, I'm going to report individuals on here who do it. Yes of course you can put a lot of disconnections down to dropped web connections, thats happened to me a few times, but you just know when somebody just can't be arsed to challenge themselves to right their mistakes on the round.
You can say it's a WGT problem and they won't listen; fair enough!.....Then let's do something about it together.........post the offenders as soon as you can, Then something might be done about it??
As far as I'm concerned , I'm a paying customer spending his hard earned and therefore I WILL have my say on this matter!
I usually ask individuals(outside my friend circle) 'Are you going to finish?' , If they are honest and say no, fair enough, I won't play.
First up : ******* USA flag Pro tier Oakmont CC
First hole, fourth stroke.
At the end of the day, this is supposed to be fun and used as form of relaxation and a wee bit of craic after a hard days work.........But let's get this sorted??