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Quitters, You lot are in my sights!

Sat, Oct 30 2010 7:37 PM (13 replies)
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  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Wed, Oct 27 2010 3:02 PM

    Right!, First off, I've read all the threads and posts regarding this topic on the forum and the apathetic replies to them!

    I'm a very social individual who prefers to play in a group rather than a 'Billy no mates' who would rather play on their own. I like the 'craic' and the banter between like minded players on a round (of which I've had many), but the quitting thing is doing my head in now, so, to that end, I'm going to report individuals on here who do it. Yes of course you can put a lot of disconnections down to dropped web connections, thats happened to me a few times, but you just know when somebody just can't be arsed to challenge themselves to right their mistakes on the round.

    You can say it's a WGT problem and they won't listen; fair enough!.....Then let's do something about it the offenders as soon as you can, Then something might be done about it??

    As far as I'm concerned , I'm a paying customer spending his hard earned and therefore I WILL have my say on this matter!

    I usually ask individuals(outside my friend circle) 'Are you going to finish?' , If they are honest and say no, fair enough, I won't play.

    First up :  *******        USA flag         Pro tier  Oakmont CC   

    First hole, fourth stroke.

    At the end of the day, this is supposed to be fun and used as  form of relaxation and a wee bit of craic after a hard days work.........But let's get this sorted??






  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 10:52 AM

    I'm going to report individuals on here who do it.

    ... and you're going to get banned for doing so. Don't think it hasn't happened before. The player Mainiack, a well-known antagonist of the quitters' horde, got banned (more than once, I'm afraid), for exposing quitters publicly.

    WGT seem more interested in protecting the quitters (many of them are good customers, after all) than in exposing them. Public exposure of quitters is only accepted on the Ladders site. How very different from management (in fact its CEO) that publicly exposes cheaters on a monthly basis.

    I'm afraid you'll just have to wait until WGT finally employ reputation tracking, which will resolve the quitters issue once and for all.  

  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 12:23 PM

    I understand that its frustrating and can get people angry when a playing partner quits but sometime life gets in the way.This "reputation stat" or watever is going to cause more problems than good.  Because some guy with a toddler is going to have to change a diaper and have to quit then his reputation will go down and he cant play with anybody. I'm not a quitter after a bad hole, dont get me wrong but if  my mom needs help with something or my dad wants to go play a quick 9 and i'm in the middle on the game i am dropping that game and i'm gone. You have to have your priorities straight. A WGT game is way less important than your kids your wife or your parents.

    Some people have lives outside a stupid computer game

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 12:30 PM

    Thank you for the heads up Faterson. I've read many comments here about reputation tracking......................WGT, over to you, what's the big drama about the lack of this ?

    Explanation required please!!!!!


  • WGTSky
    223 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 1:01 PM

    Thank you for not naming names in the forums.  Without a method for determining, beyond a reasonable doubt, the difference between people with ill intentions and those with legitimate reasons for leaving a match, we would like to ensure that nobody is able to game the system to harass the innocent with unverified accusations.

    If you have encountered an undue number of alleged quitters, you might consider playing with friends, joining a reputable Country Club, or looking into Ladders sites.

  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 1:07 PM

    Thank you Sky for understanding people have lives outside of WGT

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:11 PM


    If you have encountered an undue number of alleged quitters, you might consider playing with friends, joining a reputable Country Club, or looking into Ladders sites.


    Thank you Sky for the rapid response to THIS post!

    However Sky, I found that comment extremely patronising. I already have started a CC well before this post, inside my first week actually.This is composed roughly of  a dozen players who I have met here and played rounds with, players who actually stick with the round they are playing...that's why they were invited in the first place!

    At the end of the day , my question still has not been answered, only a 'cut and paste' response.( I've read the forums avidly).

    And yes stencil it is only a game. Anyone who thinks different would a complete idiot...........sort of like blokes who state the obvious!

    You pay your money, you are entitled to your say!



  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:07 PM


    There are dozens of threads on quitters on here, and it might be worth a few hours of your time to look them up in the search box and see all the detail that has already been covered on the issue. There is plenty of info on the reputation tracking, as well as other methods that will actually work. No need to start a new thread on it, or add to this one, and hear the same stuff listed for the XXXXXth time.....

    Give it a browse when you get some time, and feel free to pipe in on those existing threads with your thoughts, the more the merry!


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 5:01 AM

    I'm not a quitter after a bad hole, dont get me wrong but if  my mom needs help with something or my dad wants to go play a quick 9 and i'm in the middle on the game i am dropping that game and i'm gone.

    Stencil, Your concern for legitimate reasons to leave a game is addressed by the  proposed reputation tracking feature.  To save you searching, here's one post of many where it is explained.

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 5:01 AM

    No need to start a new thread on it, or add to this one, and hear the same stuff listed for the XXXXXth time.....


    Hi , yeah....

    Read all the posts on this subject and the responses, or lack of. before posting that comment. Know how to search forums too thanks!

    I'm entitled to start a thread in this community just like you fella and anyone else here. That's the thing about opinions, there like arseholes...everybody 's got one!

    Pog mo thon,




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