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Calculating averages and counting rounds

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 5 2018 2:12 AM (19 replies)
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  • cedriccicada
    18 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:07 PM

    My average score is shown per 18 holes (currently 77.88 - I'm still a newbie).  I presume that there's some nice simple way to convert a 9-hole round to 18 holes, perhaps not by just doubling my score (what happens if par for the 9 holes is 35?), but something similarly logical.  But what happens with a strange course like best of par 5s?  If I play 18 holes on the best of par 5 course and achieve even par, I've scored 90 for the round.  How does this affect my average?

    And you have to play a certain number of rounds with an average at or below a certain value to advance to the next tier.  What is a round?  9 holes?  18 holes?  Does an 18-hole course count as twice as many rounds as a 9-hole course?  

    Thanks very much!


  • keidan
    311 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 5:21 PM

    Hi Rob, yes just double your 9 hole ranked round scores to get the number that contributes to your average, so your example of 35 will be 70.  Best of par 3 and 5 courses do not count toward your avg. due to weird pars but best of par 4 will (par 72).  A round of 9 holes or 18 holes counts as a round, the result of the 9 hole round is simply doubled and adds to your stats.  -Keith

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 10:18 PM

    Counting rounds:

    If you are interested you should copy&paste your score history to a local file regularily - it contains 200 scores (including Blitz and CTTH), and no way to retrieve lost history.

    From Tour Master on, you might want to note the # of the rated round when tiering up, see your stats. At Legend+, it is a good way to check how far away from saturation your average is.

  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 1:49 PM

    I am at the Master tier right now, have already played 617 Stroke Play Rounds (SPR's) and should only have played 60 SPR's with Matching Average Scores (MAS's). I do not want to play unnecessary rounds anymore. I would like to know how many SPR's and what MAS's with do I have to play to the next tier (Tour Master) when I only play SPR's?

    5 SPR's are enough from the Hack to the Amateur tier I guess (MAS?).

    10 SPR's from the Amateur to the Pro tier (MAS?).

    20 SPR's from the Pro to the Tour Pro tier when the MAS is 72 or less.

    25 SPR's from the Tour Pro to the Master tier when the MAS is 67 or less.

    How about between the higher tiers (Tour Master - Legend, Legend - Tour Legend)?

    Could anybody help me?

    Many Thanks,


  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 2:02 AM

    Rounds are counted in the current tier only. Also, the average resets on promotion. The total number is not relevant in this context.

    63 avg. and a minimum of 40 Master rounds take you to TM,
    Apparently, you have a minimum of 37 rounds to go.

    61 + 50 to Legend,

    60 + 500 to Tour Legend.

    500 rounds saturate the TL average.

    BTW: There are about 500 full tables in the search.

    BTW2: Your abbreviations don't really fit. It should be RSPR (ranked ...) at least. Commonly, the respective number is called saturation, see above.


  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 5:03 AM

    Thanks Alosso,

    Sorry, I am not a really good 'searcher'.

    The All Players rounds are sufficient as well?


  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 7:42 AM


    BTW: Does saturation mean the latest 500 or the best 500 rounds as the respective number at Legend+?


  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 8:14 AM

    The All Players rounds are sufficient as well?

    (from the next post)

    BTW: Does saturation mean the latest 500 or the best 500 rounds as the respective number at Legend+?

    "All Players" count in, too (except Par3 and Par5).

    Saturation means that the number of rounds has been reached. Then, only the (500) best rounds count, with the consequence that the average may no more rise. Only a round better than the worst of this pool will improve the average.

    This nonlinearity causes a few weird situations.

  • brekee
    26 Posts
    Wed, Oct 22 2014 10:20 AM

    Also, no need quitting of any game.. We can write in every bad score as well, because after the saturation the worste one will disappear from the average when a better score come in.

    Par3 and Par5 could be counted too, if the difference from the Even score (P3 = 54 / 27, P5 = 90 / 45) would be calculated, as E = 72 / 36, -1 = 71 / 35, +1 = 73 / 37, ...


  • thetazz101
    101 Posts
    Fri, Nov 13 2015 7:22 AM

    what is happening to the avgs?   shoot a -6 and it goes down .01 shoot a -3 and doesn't move.   yes i am playing ranked rounds, and yes i have saturated my rounds.

    did wgt screw with the avgs?   and want to stop players to move up?

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