I'd just tell them ^, v, ^, v, <, >, <, >, A, B, A, B, Shift, Enter is the double experience cheat code.
If they're going to accuse you of cheating, why not have fun with them?
hmmmm, i thought it was ctrl+alt+delete........ damn you CRH, lol
What... you mean it's not Alt+F4???? *&$(#@! I've been doing it wrong!!
all right, I'll give in dammit...... here it is, and this is the ONLY time I will release this cheat code for wgt.
L L r m m M r R F p T e @ g G o 0 O 0 ) ) / % $
now here is the trick to making it work. you MUST repeat this code four times in succession, within a 30 second time frame, all while holding the power button in on your tower. NO mistypes, or you won't receive the proper payout........