Why don't you all just check what club you're hitting before you hit it?
Simple as that!
I think some of you are missing the point here. No one on this thread has said "I hit a shot and I messed up, I'm blaming the autocaddy". Sure there are plenty of weak players on WGT who love to use any excuse for a flat shot but that isn't close to what this thread is about.
In the 1st post I stated that autocaddy (IMO) is useless, I was talking about him/it in the context of 'removing or improving'. If the autocaddy was removed what might the interface look like? Product Suggestions - here's some ideas... that's what this thread is.
Alternatively you could argue that rather than removing the autocaddy, improving him/it would work better. So what are some of the ways this could be done?
As 'Woodoworkery' said autocaddy picks the club based on distance without taking into account the variables and 'yes' this is sometimes the club that may be used.
Personally I don't mind the clubbing up and down, based on the variables. I'm pretty good at working out shots from wherever and who doesn't get some sadistic pleasure when an opponent hits a duff shot?
Autocaddy improvements on the whole would benefit those players who rely on the autocaddy more.
Picking up on what YJ said, it's true of golfers and experienced players that they know what shot to pick. If WGT has a decent tutorial and autocaddy was dropped for a system where the players choose the shots it would get players thinking more about their shots instead of relying on autocaddy to make the choice for them.
Hey you never know? Perhaps WGT could start selling caddies in the Pro Shop? A lousy, drunk one that gives you all the wrong clubs would be a few credits or spend more for an improved one that gets the swing types right and doesn't set the putting increment to 100ft on the fringe when you're 3yds from the hole etc.