WGTdbloshoe: We are talking about months of time devoted to create this type of event. That's game developers, engineers, QA testing
Then, obviously someone is doing something wrong Shoe. We are customers, not idiots. The CC v CC event itself is a GREAT idea. So, you get a +1 on it. Now, looking at the entire concept (which the developers, engineers, and QA people evidently have not done), it stinks. We're cool shoe, and my rants aren't directed at you or any admin, but those responsible for this sham. Look at it this way; Have the CC v CC Clashes monthly or even weekly, DO NOT OFFER ONE FREAKING PRIZE!!, don't make us buy a pass to participate (using the free one is really a waste, because it could get more CC XP's by using it another way), and ask your boss(es) to think about what WE say, and ask for.
Imagine the ball usage if the Clash was offered (option to buy to pass for your CC-same as every other tourney) for free. Match the CC's up a little closer, offer each group (CC group) winner something small (hell, it could be just a trophy and bragging rights), and I guarantee you WGT will pull in more than $3,700.00 just from ball usage and the few passes that are bought by those who want to help their CC advance in level. If it doesn't make over $3,700.00 for WGT, I'll deposit the difference and gift it out.
This could be a great event, if not for the "pay to play" aspect.
Here's my advice to you: Schedule a couple of days off when you see a Clash event scheduled :-) Let a newbie mod handle the rants.