Save for Whistler and Cabo all courses are free anyway.
Away from that your suggestion would do what? get good at Andys F9 then what? Get better clubs to play CCC from the same tees as you used at Andys? You don't need better clubs for that you just need to learn the course which you can do anyway having learned the clubs anyway too.
I see no benefit for the company, and only restriction for the players.
As it stands you get better, "unlock" the next tee length in a perfectly adequate tier system.
To get to Master the starters will do you for all courses. Beyond that the L59 irons, and modest upgrades elsewhere are fine well in to Legend. The game really changes at Legend. All the courses you basically learn over, all after mapping any new clubs properly - L90 Legend and really want to compete near the top then yes think again.
Loads of variants exist of course with the above a very rough guide, but I see no reason for any change.
I am sure WGT would charge a small pay to play fee if they could, but they prefer to go the charge for ball usage route. Like I say I see no benefit with this idea and would, if anything, have just turned me off playing as much anyway at the outset being honest.