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Unlock Courses as you progress

Sun, Nov 9 2014 6:24 PM (36 replies)
  • pcolapat
    26 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 11:06 AM

    I read a bit about trugolf. It says their product has over sixty courses. If that is true, then WGT needs to work something out with them to get more courses on here. There has to be a mutually beneficial agreement that could be reached between the two companies that would be profitable. Bundles of courses could be sold outright to players through the pro-shop. I just don't understand why this has not been done. It would not devalue trugolfs product at all. WGT is an online service and trugolf is a a physical product. Two different lines of business. A dozen courses sold either individually or in bundles, or integrated into the tier system. However they want to sell it. This piecemeal approach (paying for one play at a time) sucks. It just does.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 2:09 PM

    So from locking courses to encourage equipment sales to open them you've moved to espousing more pay courses that you claim people won't pay to play? More deep thought.Yer on a roll there, bud, keep thinking.

    Incidentally, TruGolf devalues WGT's product, FWIW. Zero comparison.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 2:16 PM

    OK the first idea about unlocking courses - presumably off new tees to encourage equipment sales to pay to play X amount now gone?, but no matter any which way anyway.

    Well glad you are not in charge of this place is all I can say.  Already got the clash nonsense.  Be a full house for the player with you having a say, except in your case v likely also bad for WGT from the off..Albeit from a players POV at least this one is not as daft as the last go, and if the company could roll it all out near zero cost and time in so they could work on things that are really needed, but you have no clue on that of course...........You need to think things through, and you do not.

  • pcolapat
    26 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 4:18 PM

    More deep thought? You need to think things through, daft?

    You guys are certainly full of insults. Please tell me how more courses, the game making more money in the pro shop, and more purchasing options for players is a bad thing. Then if all of that is mindless nonsense, tell me how you would improve the game.

    Or is the game perfect.

    Oh god please tell me you think it is perfect. I need the laugh.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 4:45 PM

    OK so looks like we basically are off the unlocking ideas now?  I will leave the interlocking in tiers part alone.

    Point 2: If WGT could easily add 60 Tru Golf courses from Tru Golf no one is saying that would be bad for a player as just more choice.  How WGT would necessarily make any money from that by charging any which way I don't know about - maybe you do.  Problem is you are assuming the "piecemeal" approach is not as good for WGT at least as your "ideas". Now convince them with more than vague notions raised here I am sure they would be adding as quick as they can, assuming Tru Golf want that, and assuming they are at least as good as Cabo / Whistler.  Lots and lots of assumptions is all I see.

    How much would you be willing to pay for X many courses?  How does that compare to ball costs or are ball costs on top?? forecast revenue v current? Loads of ?s.  Will advertisers still spend if the initial costs go up if the customer base seeing them goes down? What are the costs of all this?? First to agree on the new courses - why not have them all, just pointing out it may not be as easy as all that, and so the current system may not suck as much as you think.  That's why I said you need to think it through - very easy to say we want more courses - we all do that although mainly with the WGT versions.  The game making more money in the pro shop was another nice idea, just with flawed assumptions that it would necessarily follow.

    In short - 1. Unlocking and the immediately related anything -  NO as ridiculous.

    2. More courses - great Blue Sky idea that every one has most days, just mostly toward the HD WGT version.  Your revenue generating part I have no real comment on as you have nothing but a vague notion leaving nothing to commend or crticise - simple really.



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 6:05 PM

    Lost Cause 


  • pcolapat
    26 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 6:24 PM

    First I can't offer projections from current eanring to future earnings. I don't know what they are making currently, what percentage of players are spending money. I don't have any of that data.

    No the unlocking ideas are not off the table. You need that element.

    I'll explain.

    In addition to offering various methods to buy the right to play certain courses, be it single play,  single purchase or bundle, you also must leave the option to unlock all courses through regular game play. Players who choose to purchase courses may either not have the skill to unlock them or do not have the patience. Some players will not care to unlock them. But you need those players to.

    Even players who spend nothing in a free to play game have value. They are the opponents for those that do spend money. You need people to play with, and to keep plenty of people playing you must make everything you have for sale available through the course of play. It is of course not going to be easy for them to unlock courses. They will still try though because it is a goal to work toward. It is the illusion of no payment barriers to content. This will keep a large player base.

    Now how much to charge. I am not sure, it depends on how many courses there are. The more courses available, the lower I would charge per course. Not too low though. I would make the price per course rather expensive and encourage players to purchase courses in bundles at a discount. I would also offer special deals around holidays for some of the more sought after courses.

    The money sink. Right now I am guessing the bread and butter for this game is of course ads, but after that there is golf balls. I base this assumption on what I have spent playing this game. I think that will have to stay for now. It is an established practice, so there is no need to abolish it. However, I think that if there was 60 more courses to market, that would become the number one earner over ads and balls at least in the short term. Selling unlimited access to courses makes it a limited commodity, so a sales decline will eventually occur.  I would use the initial surge of capital as an investment in advertising the game. That advertising will bring in more players and more profits.

    Well that sounds like a good plan to me, but who am I.

    Edit: You will also need a new match making system. (It is needed anyway).

    Also if there is sixty courses it might be better to have unlocks of courses happen after a certain number of ranked plays on courses. Some courses should be reserved to unlock at higher tiers, but maybe 75% should be unlocked through just playing lots of rounds.