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Tue, Nov 18 2014 3:56 AM (22 replies)
  • nat13st
    4 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 3:42 AM

    well spoken soggyblogger,,i totally agree with most things u have stated.awesome

  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 5:26 AM



    To me this brings up a question I have often wondered: Why do club owners get testy about members who aren't active? I mean, if a club has even one open spot, what's the point in getting rid of anyone? From a practical standpoint, maybe having a 25 spot cushion would be better than just one, but what advantage is there to the club to kick out anyone before they get to the edge of full?

    Club owners want club play. Why? Do club owners make money on club activity? Can anyone answer that? Do club owners make money on club play?

    Owners get testy because it takes a lot of time and effort to run a CC especially those of us that run websites too. There are no financial rewards at all for running a CC apart from knowing that something you have take a lot of time and effort to set up is being enjoyed and supported by those who have signed up to it. It makes no sense updating a website and putting 200 + scores and names down if 150 are not even doing anything , that is why they get kicked out and the clubs dont get filled with non active players.The reason Activity is very important is because most people to play this game have some kind of competitive spirit in them and like to do well and entering club tourneys where a lot of players have taken part makes for good competition, rather than playing against one man and his dog.
    i Hope that answers your question Soogy


    Excellent answer Bobby.  Wgt Pinhunters is unique in that we want the members active in developing and improving there game. So we have many practice games in helping one another on there, short game or putting.  We have different tournys for different tiers and offer prizes for the winners.

    Oddly enough The director and I get great satisfaction out of members that want to move on to a more competitive club because they feel their game is at that level after being in the club.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 5:42 AM


    And why are almost all of the tournaments confined to the courses with the most chances to lose a ball? Rarely do we see the front 9 of Congressional, the front 9 of Bethage, the front 9 of Kia, or the front 9 of St. Andy's in either the regular Weekly and Monthly Tournaments or the Ready Go Tournaments.

    Not only does WGT take a usurious 20% for electronically offering the Ready Go games, but the games are mostly presented on high risk courses like Congressional back 9. The more water holes the better chance to make a quick $2.00.

    I avoid those courses and ready go tournaments because they are worse odds than playing in Vegas.

    Do people actually believe this paranoid nonsense?

    WGT don't steal balls, we lose them.



  • DAputts
    1,919 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 7:48 AM


    LOL.. Bubbs, if I wasn't so loyal to my owner and small group of friends in my club I'd start one today.. We'd call it the Forum Trolls Golf Club and Winery.   :)

    This is the reason we spend the hours that we do trying to keep play active  Soggybloggr.  Playing a round with  a member an have her tell you she is having "fun' in the club.  We make nothing for our work.  But hearing these is priceless and will drive me to work harder.... just sayin


    As for the deadbeats cut them loose...


  • Soggyblogger
    224 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 2:09 PM

    Thanks so much for a clear answer to the question of financial gain. The other answer is not quite as clear. Does it require extra effort for the deadbeats? I thought this was all done digitally. You talk of websites. Are you talking about the CC pages? Again, isn't the effort required to update it, etc, the same whether a club has 50 active players and 100 deadbeats as it would for 50 active players and no deadbeats?

    You said, "The reason Activity is very important is because most people to play this game have some kind of competitive spirit in them and like to do well and entering club tourneys where a lot of players have taken part makes for good competition, rather than playing against one man and his dog."

    I am not clear what you are trying to say. Yes, I am a competitive person. I enjoy the challenge of doing well, and my ego feels good when I win. I enter club tournaments and my scores are compared to other member scores, but that isn't head to head competition the way Match Play or Alt-Shot is head to head. Also, I don't understand how the deadbeats detract from any of the active players if the club has empty spots.

    It isn't like the deadbeats stop active players from joining the club and becoming active players. I understand culling the herd when space is needed. That makes sense to anyone, but making space when space isn't needed seems like unnecessary worry over something that is meaningless.

    Now, if you have read this far, I want to make clear that I appreciate the effort given by the club owners. Their efforts allow smaller groups to form within WGT, bonds of friendship and friendly competition. Thanks to you all, and that includes their Directors and volunteers.

    I'm not trying to make trouble or cause problems for anyone. I am a good club member and happy enough. But I am still flummoxed that club owners get worried about people who join and don't like playing in club tournaments or give up the game entirely. Certainly, they need to cull their members of players who have stopped playing just as email servers delete accounts for non-use.

    My last club, after I left, instituted a policy of requiring a certain number of club tournaments played in each week or getting kicked out. A new club formed from many of those kicked out. That's how I learned about it. And I just don't understand why a club owner would be unhappy with a member who only played in one club tournament a month, for instance.

    That's not very active, granted, but if there is more than enough space in the club, what's the big deal?

    Lastly, for me the most fun is had in head to head competition, and no head to head play is impossible within club tournaments. Getting WGT to figure out how to do that is what will make CC's a place to be active. Until then, I enjoy Alt-Shot more than playing by myself, whether it's in a club tournament or Single Play or a WGT tournament.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 2:48 PM

    The way I see it, most people who join clubs these days are doing it just for the free shot/putter pal.. I mean, if you only like playing multi-player games then why else would you join?

    So, you're getting something from being a member of a club. Is it too much for an owner to ask that you give something back?

    If you're not ever participating in club games, using your free passes, using the forums, or at the very least being sociable with your fellow members.. what exactly are you bringing to the table?

    WTF is wrong with you??


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 2:58 PM

    Soggy, i think the OP had a right to ask the question, 229 in his club, he obviously works hard. Are you saying that the above is ok. JD you do have some better success in some other comps, so keep those few players, PM them to thank them and to ask their opinions, and then boot and start again my friend with your loyal members. WGT is full of folk who have stopped playing OR are playing but dont appreciate your hard work. Keep at it and dont let it grind you down

  • Soggyblogger
    224 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 3:04 PM


    The way I see it, most people who join clubs these days are doing it just for the free shot/putter pal.. I mean, if you only like playing multi-player games then why else would you join?

    So, you're getting something from being a member of a club. Is it too much for an owner to ask that you give something back?

    If you're not ever participating in club games, using your free passes, using the forums, or at the very least being sociable with your fellow members.. what exactly are you bringing to the table?

    WTF is wrong with you??


    LOL. WTF is wrong with me? For what? Asking questions, and offering opinions? I am a good club member who does everything a good club member should do. I play in club tournaments and am active on our forum. I play in head to head games with club members. And

    I WATCH MY LIGHTS. Almost religiously. I keep that dang music on so if the chimes start I will know someone is asking me to play. Yet, most don't do that. WTF is wrong with them?

    There are free software programs available that makes Putter Pal and Shot Pal unnecessary, and therefore Club membership unnecessary as well from that point of view. I am a club member to meet and play with other people. Make friends and enjoy the competition.


  • Soggyblogger
    224 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 3:14 PM


    Soggy, i think the OP had a right to ask the question, 229 in his club, he obviously works hard. Are you saying that the above is ok. JD you do have some better success in some other comps, so keep those few players, PM them to thank them and to ask their opinions, and then boot and start again my friend with your loyal members. WGT is full of folk who have stopped playing OR are playing but dont appreciate your hard work. Keep at it and dont let it grind you down

    Did I ever question the right of the OP to ask the question? I am sorry if anyone felt they were being criticized for anything. I just asked some questions, too. Offered a few opinions. My opinions in my first post were based on some ignorance. As I have never been a club "owner" and therefore didn't know if they make any money for their efforts.

    However, are you saying that a tournament with just one player who finished is proof of anything? I mean, maybe it was a poorly conceived tournament. Maybe other tournaments in the club get enormous play. I have no idea.

    If his club has 229 members and most of them are deadbeats, then I find nothing wrong with getting rid of as many deadbeats as he wants. Any time he wants. I believed that and expressed it in my original post on this thread. I just don't understand the need to remove deadbeats if there is plenty of space. It's not a divisive issue. I was just asking for clarification. No one needs to get defensive.


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Nov 17 2014 3:32 PM

    No problems, answer is no, his other tournies are not much better. Anyway its up to him of course, i only looked to see if his issues were as bad as he said. Again though its each to their own, have fun all and lets leave the OP to decide on his own, it would be a sad world if we were all the same, keep ya balls dry folks ;-)