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CC event #3

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Mon, Dec 1 2014 4:16 AM (52 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 11:44 AM


    I had stated in my club and on the main forum before the very first of these events, that if my club won a golden putter then it would either be declined or if that wasn't possible then I wouldn't assign it to anyone but I'd take it but not use it, as the idea of Special clubs is crazy, and would only cause infighting and name calling. (Was I right?)

    If only EVERY ONE took this stance then WGT might get rid of the damn thing

    Heh. There's some irony here, just haven't figured it out. TPC is in first place.


    *edit- Looks like IBIS took exception.  LOL


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 12:04 PM




    The dogs have got  to be the most asinine thing WGT has ever done. I wonder who the idiot was that dreamed that idea up....LMAO  !! 

    Personally, I think CanineSupervisor is behind this.  :-D

    LMAO.... thanks for the smiles YJ

    got to be....LOL!!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 12:14 PM
    Heh. There's some irony here, just haven't figured it out. TPC is in first place.


    *edit- Looks like IBIS took exception.  LOL


    Do you know what irony means Jim?
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 12:31 PM

    IBIS must be really whippin those new AMs, lol.  Would have thought L12 and more passes makes some difference?? Not that I have done any math.

    What a crock of...I'll leave it there as my views all over this, and each to their own. They think different which is their right same as I have mine.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 2:41 PM


    Why is it that the only way I can play in this event is I have to purchase and pass?

    A sweet simple question and it goes 5 pages,



      EDIT:        I thought Dazza stated categorically he wanted no part of this farce, yet his club are in 21st position ???

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 3:08 PM


      I thought Dazza stated categorically he wanted no part of this farce, yet his club are in 21st position ???

    For the record, we're 9-0 in clashes in spite of scoring no higher than 310 Stableford points in any clash.  Of our 7063 points, 5400 are bonuses and 1663 were earned on the course.

    It looks like we've been matched against very small clubs that are barely functioning.  I'd heard of one of our 10 opponents before looking at the board.

    Yes, this is an indictment of the system.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 8:09 PM

    Do you know what irony means Jim?

    "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect"

    Kinda like this statement by you........

    "I had stated in my club and on the main forum before the very first of these events, that if my club won a golden putter then it would either be declined or if that wasn't possible then I wouldn't assign it to anyone but I'd take it but not use it, as the idea of Special clubs is crazy, and would only cause infighting and name calling. (Was I right?"

    Seems your people think otherwise. Ya, I know, you can't control them or what they think. Pfft.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 9:25 PM
    Whenever WGT runs these badly run tournaments this forum turns on itself. Owners end up defending actions and others hurl insults and post stupid videos off the net. My club is pretty much democratic and some of my members wanted to get involved in this for some fun and more as a bit of variety which is sadly lacking in WGT tournaments lately. Some members boycotted it but that's ok too. If my club had decided en bloc to go for this then we would have won it because we have the most active players on here. All played last month and all contributed to club XP. We don't really care where we finish as the prizes are worthless anyway.
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 10:00 PM

    Whenever WGT runs these badly run tournaments this forum turns on itself. Owners end up defending actions and others hurl insults and post stupid videos off the net.

    LOL. And there you have another reinforcement of how damned stupid the entire idea is the way WGT executed it. They deserve every stupid, ignorant, asinine comment they get.

  • jacktrade51
    11,197 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 10:57 PM

    Just went through CC Clash #3, my first because I was working during first 2.

    Here are thoughts.

    1. I will recommend to my club's members we refuse to participate going forward without major changes.

    2. What's with discount for playing 9 hole tournament rounds?  Bad enough we get charged 37 cr per round, but only get 100 cr for completing tournament round instead of 190. (Got me so freaked, I dropped out of clash to play regular round coming into new WGT day because I thought you would rip me off on consecutive day bonus.)

    3. No advance notice.  Some of us have to work for a living.  That is why I missed first 2.

    4. Can't get results.  During clash, I can see how everyone is doing.  Afterwards, results are gone.  Afterwards means when we can no longer start a new clash, that is in case of Clash #3, 3 hours before clash actually ended because a new clash could not be started.   Clubs might want to know who participated, can't access that.

    5. Concept is nice, right now execution looks like how to extract money out of us without giving us anything in return.

    jacktrade51 (director of Black Diamond GC)