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The Hustle 14 is Live!!

Sun, Oct 25 2015 4:14 PM (1,691 replies)
  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2011 10:23 AM

    WHEW...Just finished up my match with Bart. Man what a match. For the first 6 holes neither of us were playing very well, mainly the putters were rather cold and Bart was shooting himself in the foot. I got hot and birdied #7,#8, and eagled #9 to go 3up at the turn. Figured I had a pretty good grasp, but my wheels came off after bart made an awesome birdie on #13. I just couldn't do anything after that, he was making all the shots he missed on the front 9 and by the time we get to #16 he's cut the lead from 4up to 1up. #17 had the 20mph l-r wind, just brutal. bart played safely to the right side of the green, 50ft from the hole. I clicked early and put it in the bunker. Thinking I've completely blown everything and we're going to head to #18 all square, the worst happens. Bart gets a meter freeze on his 6ft par putt and it hits the lip. It came at the absolute worst time. I made my 12ft birdie on 18 to seal the deal. Great match Bart, one of the most enjoyable I've played. Let's do it again some time.

  • BartMania
    221 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2011 10:34 AM

    Was a lot of fun to play with PGABound.  I was certainly having "one of those rounds" where it seemed like nothing I did was right.  PGA hit a lot of awesome shots...namely, hitting it to within 10 feet on the 346 yd par 4 9th hole.  Bottom line, he's a great player and he definitely outplayed me.  Whoever runs into him in the following rounds is going to definitely have their hands full.

    Best of luck out there.

  • nickolijj
    277 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2011 10:45 AM

    Just a heads up, Kam (Monty) and I won't be able to get our game in until next week. I believe we're going to shoot for the 13th. If we're able to play sooner, we'll def get it in. GL to all in the remaining matches and congrats on getting this far.


  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2011 10:46 PM

    Finished my match with LeopoldStotch this afternoon. He is a great player and a really good dude.  I left the screen capture of the scorecard at work and will post it tomorrow. But below is a recap of the match.

    Kiawah. Started with birdies and both surprisingly followed with pars on 2 after very misses on makeable birdie putts. Both routine birdies on 3. I pour in a 16 footer on 4 and Leopold just misses his 19 footer.  I hit what I thought was a flush shot on 5 only to have it stop on the hill above the hole 7 feet. Leopold also leaves his up on the hill and misses. I make to go 2up. Leopold comes right back and stiffs his approach on  6, while i trickle off to the back right fringe and miss the chip. back to 1up. I lip my eagle putt on 7. Both birdie. Leopold hits another solid approach on 8, while mine gets hung up on the hill.  I pull a putt out of my ass an make an 18 foot putt that broke more than 18 feet for birdie. Leopold was clutch and knocked in his 9 footer. Another clutch 10 footer on 18 gives him bird. I make mine from behind the hole to halve. At the end of nine i'm 1up with a 29 to his 30.

    Back nine we both miss makeable birdies on 10. Birdies on 11 and 12. On 13, we both leave 15 footers  for birdie. I have the easier putt to the right of the hole. I lip mine. Leopold drains his. All Square.  On 14, he lets me off the hook as he missed an 8 footer for birdie to halve the hole.

    Here is where I think i was a bit unfair. I was under time constraints as my wife was breathing down my neck as I was supposed to leave in 10 minutes. I felt like a dick suggesting that we drop in 10 if neither of us has won and pick up where we left off later. Leopold was cool about it and said no prob. Then I argue with the old lady and actually had to close the browser. After assuaging her, I get back on open the browser and proceed. We both birdie 15 and 16 and when it is 5pm, Leopold graciously offers to drop. Still feeling like a jerk, I said I owed it to him to at least finish the 18. He then gets a bit of a meter jump and leaves it on the right edge of 17 green where you get the BS aerial or back view of your putt. He misses. I drain my 15 footer to go 1up. We both play 18 well with a tailwind and both birdie.

    Final score: JCOlson 59, LeopoldStotch 60 - JCOlson wins 1up

    As my prize, BiB awaits =]

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Fri, Jun 10 2011 8:31 AM


    One semifinal is set. Waiting the other. Good luck!! updated bracket below...


  • nickolijj
    277 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 8:25 AM

    Just finished a great match with one of the best gents out there. Monty and I battled the full 18 at Kiawah, with neither of us having our A game. A few meters and deviations didn't help. Monty was unlucky getting metered out of the gate on a very makeable mid-length birdie try on #1. He fought back though with birdies on the challenging 4th(stuck his approach to 3 ft), and 5th (drained 25+ foot bender). We halved several holes from that point on. Neither of us ever getting more than 1 up/1 down. I was able to stick one close at 17 to pull 1 up. At 18 Monty stuck his approach pin high to 10 ft. I missed the green long left but holed the 6 yd pitch to end it. Always a pleasure playing with you Monty.

    Nickolijj wins 1 up.

    Side Note: Having issues uploading the card. Tinypic is giving me an invalid format error. Suggestions? I have the card saved to my PC.

  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 8:31 AM

    Thoroughly enjoyable match with Jared, the great spirit the game was played in overshadowed the slightly dodgy form and the more dodgy meter!

    A true quality finish when I thought was going to peg you back on 18 to go to extra!! Thanks for the game mate!



  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 8:33 AM

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2011 12:09 PM

    Bollox and I finished our semifinal match.  It took place over two days to accommodate our schedules.  We played the front nine last friday.  Bollox had some connection issues, and I had a major meter on 2. We battled for a pair of 30's to halve the front nine.

    We finished the back nine today with more connection issues, but thankfully no metered shots.  I just didn't have it missing a couple of shortish birdies and only making 3 birdies total.  Bollox made six in 8 holes, and took the match 3 & 1.

    Always enjoy playing with Bollox. Good guy and obviously a great competitor. His mythic legend continues to grow. He is off to the US Open this weekend courtesy of WGT. Have fun and good luck in the hustle finals!

  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 3:55 PM

    Just finished up with willy, it was a very fun match, even though neither of us played worth a damn. His putter wasn't working very well until we got to 15, he made a 20 footer there, then another 20footer on #17 to cut the lead to 1. He missed a bit early and went left of green on #18 and I stuffed it in to 4ft to close it out. Thanks for the match man, was really fun.