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The Hustle 14 is Live!!

Sun, Oct 25 2015 4:14 PM (1,691 replies)
  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 2:44 PM

    Just finished a crazy match with United4Life. Great guy and really fun to play with. We actually had a lot of laughs. Anyhow, I went 4up on the front nine as he could not get a putt to fall. Then he came charging back on the flip side as I went ice cold.  I held on to win.

    Moment of the match was 18 as I was 1up going in. We played into a 15 mph headwind, so it was all we had to hit the right side of the green. I joked that if he hit his 64 foot putt he deserved the win. He lipped out!  Then I step up to my 60 footer and drain it. Go figure!  Great match United. Thanks again for the fun match.

  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 4:21 PM

    Just had the match of my life this evening. Played a stunning 59, bogey-free. Guess what, got beaten by an even more stunning 58 by JCOlson... that was the most intense game i had in my whole wgt-career. He finished me of with birdies at #14-#18 including a sick birdie-tie #17 where his drive went to the first cut rough. Brilliant game, deserved win and a big questionmark to my next particitation in this tourney =) Nowhere else u are gonna lose 2000 credits with a 59 being -11 through 12... trust me^^

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 9:38 PM

    Agreed!  Whatever it is about Hans, we seem to bring out the best in each other. Whether it is in the Hustle or his Monthly matchplay tourny, the games are great.

    I am with him though, this is the best match I have seen let alone played in on wgt.  a stunning 28 by him on the front nine only marred by a lipout on 4. He also drained several 30+ putts. Unreal. I was sticking them close and still losing as I missed a couple of makeable 17 footers on the front to go down one.  Then facing 2 down after a bogus lipout on 12, we both hiccuped on 13 with pars. I birdied in from there including clutch birdies  from both of us on 17.

    58 defeated 59.  I don't think Hans missed a green. I missed one.  He did not have a hole where he did not birdie or at least lipout or edge a putt. Nearly the same for me. Could have gone the either way the entire match.

    Great playing hans!

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 9:52 PM

    By the way, no response from Dsheavills from me or Bartmania. If I don't hear from him, or Bart and he play their match I will advance Bartmania.

  • MrDonVito
    472 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 10:15 PM

    if Dsheavills or  Bartmania cant play, i wouldn't mind a second shot.... im willing to ante another 2k to play one of them.

  • United4Life
    104 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2011 10:49 PM

    Thanks alot for the match JC and another well run tournament. Had a blast! :)

  • dsheavills
    965 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 6:43 AM

    Me and Bart finally got our game in. Sorry all for the delay.

    Anyway Bart gave me a good hiding 4/3. Terrible first  from me got him 5 up after 9.

    We both then started playing back nine with a bunch of birds, but he too good for me to come back.

    Highlight was a chip in eagle on 6 for Bart and a near hole in one on 7.

    We both hit great seconds on 14 which run all the way round the back rim next to pin.

    Good luck Bart in next round. Always a pleasure playing against you. A true golfing gent.



    Forgot to get card.


  • BartMania
    221 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 7:54 AM

    Hey guys....Sorry to be bringing up the rear.....but dsheavills and I just couldnt get our times coordinated, until today.  There's not a nicer guy to play against than Darren.  We both showed signs of rust since we hadn't played in a while, but ultimately, I won 4&3. 

    PGABound67, let me know when is good for you to play.  Thanks guys!



  • dsheavills
    965 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 8:03 AM

     Found the card I saved. Well played Bart. Always a pleasure.

  • JCOlson
    1,118 Posts
    Mon, Jun 6 2011 8:38 AM

    Congrats Bart! Thanks Bart and Darren for your responsiveness to my prodding and getting this in =)