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Penalizing those who leave the game

Mon, Nov 29 2010 10:00 PM (20 replies)
  • ravalet
    2 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 7:40 AM

    No one could penalize those who leave the game without technical problems, simply because they are not playing well?

  • Planty61
    2 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 4:38 PM

    3 times in a row i have been dropped on the last hole cos the others couldn't win very very pissed off!!


  • Pop301
    13 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 9:00 PM

    I feel that if you have technical problem then you should not be penalized. But if you quit just because you are playing poorly, YOU need to be penalized. All you are doing is protecting you average and that is not fair to other player who Post all scores...

  • ChrisC1977
    31 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 1:50 AM

    indeed...I'll play you sometime.  If you pummel me on the golf course, well congrats to you and good game.  I have this happen a lot. (people leaving game)  Although I still do not like the idea of penalizing because sometimes there are very ligit reasons for someone to drop game like say their kid gets hurt running in the house or something like that. I'd know I would drop game for that...but I would try to have some courteousy and tell the player why I am leaving which I always try to do when I have to leave which is rarely.  Maybe you could have a way to add players you dont want to play with to a block list. Even when you are sending a general invite, wgt could in the background, block certain users from being invited to game based on who you have previously blocked.  Your thoughts?

  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 3:54 AM

    Sorry if you quit for any reason, you get a chance to finish your round, kinda like it does sometimes when it locks up, if you dont finish you get a score as if you had bogey'd every hole.

    Some people will use any exscuse to quit.

  • borntobesting
    9,735 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 4:37 AM


    I feel that if you have technical problem then you should not be penalized. But if you quit just because you are playing poorly, YOU need to be penalized. All you are doing is protecting you average and that is not fair to other player who Post all scores...

    how are they protecting their average when bad scores no longer raise your average? A lot of people quit multi-player rounds because the other players take way too long to play their shots. The 90 second clock is too long especially if one or 2 players use every second on the clock. Some also quit because the other players are just too rude to play with. Think about it. You start a round and are playing poorly and 1 or 2 of the other players instead of making suggestions on how to play better start putting them down for not being as good as they are. I have only quit twice and that was due to time constraints. The second time I quit the lady asked me if I had enough time to finish the round before we started and i told her maybe not but we can try. I made 6 holes before i had to go and I told her then that I had to go, The first time the threesome I was in should have had plenty of time to get in the 9 holes but one player constantly took the full 90 seconds and 3 times took the 90 seconds twice. Being warned once and pentalized 1 then 2 strokes he played 2 more holes then took the full 90 twice again and was DQ'ed. But all this took up so much time that I had to leave. I apologized to the other player and left. I did finish both rounds as a single later.

    I also had 2 out 3 players quit on me in a foursome once because I didn't exactly agree with them when they started talking about how much they hated Tiger Woods. I told them I didn't like how he led his private life but I couldn't and wouldn't say I hated him. I told them actually I felt sorry for him for what he had done to himself. That is when one of them said well F'U. then and left and the other one said the hell with it and left too. I also had one lady or a G.I.R.L on my friends  list quit on me after 3 holes.  I believe it is because I didn't respond to her or his sexual innuendos. He or she is one of the players whose  pics are racy to say the least. I have always accepted all friend requests and probably always will but in time i may start deleting players who seem to only be on here for sexual reasons.

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 7:11 AM

    borntobesting you've hit the nail on the head,  there are times when you have to leave a Game/Match etc etc...I have a Wife a Disabled Child and Two Dogs that at times need my attention.

    This cannot be avoided and at times in the past has left me with No Option but to leave,  i feel that the other players are let down in the very least and some may think i'm a Quitter but please tell me what i'm to do,  do not play i here you shout but there are times i do not have any idea there is going to be a problen. 

    I was also  pissed off with the constant Quitting so i only ever play with Myself (LOL) or play with my friends (Lucky Friends they are too).  Blitz and Practice i don't mind its only a practice,  I can start again.

    My point is you have other options open to you,  all you have to do is recognize this problem and do something about it yourself and not expect WGT to sort every problem  for us.

    In My Humble Opinion.


  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 8:19 AM
    BS about a bad round not changing your average, turn in a round over par and watch. Like i said if you quit, you will be givin the option to finish the round, if you dont you turn in a score of +9 for 9 holes and +18 for 18. It will be up to those who quit, finish the round or pay the price, if you dont have time then I suggest play practice rounds or blitzs
  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 9:11 AM

    BS about a bad round not changing your average, turn in a round over par and watch. Like i said if you quit, you will be givin the option to finish the round, if you dont you turn in a score of +9 for 9 holes and +18 for 18. It will be up to those who quit, finish the round or pay the price, if you dont have time then I suggest play practice rounds or blitzs

    It is not bs at all - under the new avg system bad rounds do not increase your avg as it calculated using the best scores you have shot in your current tier. If you still do not know about this - then you don't complete all your rounds. The new system is why most people have a reduced average. For your info I have shot way over par on many occassions - had a +4 round of 40 last night.

  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 10:51 AM
    Lastnight finished 9 holes at Kiawah at +4 was a 70.14 handicap, after the game it was 72.03 so tell me how it doesnt affect your handicap?