I think that everybody has to settle down with this issue about quitting a game. It's only a game peoples and if ya's get so angry about this issue (which we have no control about), then it's not worth the effot is it.
Ok, lets say if somebody quits, for whatever reason, you can still finish the game by yourself, which is not good, I know. Just don't have a game with that person again, within reason.
One thing I don't understand with this issue is, everybody says; the reason people quit is they don't want to keep their average going up...
I would never quit a game when I play against others, no matter how bad I'm going(depending on puter issues), but I would quit when I'm +10 walking on on the 4th tee playing a solo golf game.
It's no good penalizing people quitting cause we don't know the reasons behind it and we can never police it.... just note the people who do it regulary and don't have a round with them anymore.
If i'm going out in 10-20 minutes I would never accept a game and write the reasons why.
This is a Fantastic Game and just remeber it's only a game
Roger (mantis0014)