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Penalizing those who leave the game

Mon, Nov 29 2010 10:00 PM (20 replies)
  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 12:42 PM

    Lastnight finished 9 holes at Kiawah at +4 was a 70.14 handicap, after the game it was 72.03 so tell me how it doesnt affect your handicap?

    You haven't played enough ranked rounds in your current tier. If you play over a certain number of rounds your average is not affected by bad rounds. Did you progress to that tier recently?

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 7:34 PM

    Sting nailed it. Quitters will eventually figure out that nothing happens to their average when they quit a multi-player round, or sandbag to elevate their average.

    I'd love to be a fly on a quitters wall when they figure this out, then buzz around their face when they line-up a drive.  LOL!


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Nanaguy
    17 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 8:09 PM

    i've been at 72.16 for--- gosh i cant remember now its been so long.  u can check out my stats.  i shot a +7 and my handicap hasnt changed. my average game is +4 and my handicap remains at 72.16

  • ChrisC1977
    31 Posts
    Thu, Nov 25 2010 4:31 AM

    This is very true...back to the origional question and I believe myself and others have stated this.  You should not penalize players for quitting because there are ligit reasons.  Like rudeness on the course, players using full clock ans it take 3 times as long as it should.  When I initiate games, I use 45 second clock. 

    We have things that come up that lead someone to quit, kid gets hurt running around the house, someone at the door, an important phone call, etc. How is WGT to know whos quitting for what reason?  The don't.  So my solution that I stated earlier is that WGT create a block list that you can add players user names to so if an invite is sent (even if they use best match or anyone search options, it wont ever brong you into the game since you have them blocked)  THis is easy solution.  You wont have to remember everyones user name.  Just simply add it to your list if they quit if that is what you wish to do.

  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Thu, Nov 25 2010 3:12 PM

    I still say, if you quit no matter the reason, you are givin the option when you return to finish your round, if you dont then your penalized

    I'll say that 97% of the people who quit, do so becasue of a bad round not for the reasons you stated

    As far as the shot clock, if you play a game with a 90 sec clock you should exspect players to take to long, and if you dont want to wait dont start the game in the first place.

    Rudeness, a simple ignore option, so you can ignore chat from that person during the game

    Remember more times than not when a person quits it locks up the game and ruins it for everyone, and if there isnt a fear of being penalized it will continue

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Thu, Nov 25 2010 3:43 PM

    Here's my solution. At the start of the game, 100 xp should be taken from each player. If the player finishes the round they get there 100 xp plus the xp that applies to them for playing the round.

    If they don't finish the round then their XP is divided up between those who do finish.

    In this way they get penalised for not finishing and the player(s) left to finish get some reward for the others quitting.

    I have started several multiplayer games where I was the only one to finish and you get 90 xp for your trouble!

  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 6:34 PM
    2 games just now, both had 3 players myself and 2 others, 1 master and 1 tour pro, in first game, 2 masters in second game all quit because the bogey'd a hole, yeah I guess they quit becasue the kids were acting up or hurt lol yeah right. WGT its time to fix the quiting, penalize those that quit so they'll quit wasting peoples time
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 8:23 PM

    I think that everybody has to settle down with this issue about quitting a game. It's only a game peoples and if ya's get so angry about this issue (which we have no control about), then it's not worth the effot is it.

    Ok, lets say if somebody quits, for whatever reason, you can still finish the game by yourself, which is not good, I know. Just don't have a game with that person again, within reason.

    One thing I don't understand with this issue is, everybody says; the reason people quit is they don't want to keep their average going up...

    I would never quit a game when I play against others, no matter how bad I'm going(depending on puter issues), but I would quit when I'm +10 walking on on the 4th tee playing a solo golf game.

    It's no good penalizing people quitting cause we don't know the reasons behind it and we can never police it.... just note the people who do it regulary and don't have a round with them anymore.

    If i'm going out in 10-20 minutes I would never accept a game and write the reasons why.

    This is a Fantastic Game and just remeber it's only a game

        Roger (mantis0014)


  • Whoop
    705 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 4:05 AM

    I enjoyed the plain talk and sensibility of "luckysump" [post at 11-24-2010 7:11 AM] and I feel very much the same way.

    I would add that it is key to remember that this is a game ... to be enjoyed ... to entertain. 

    For those who don't interact well with others, don't grasp the rudiments of social civility and human decency, or don't comprehend that each Player Name / Avatar has a REAL person behind it with a REAL life of REAL issues, I say:  "Please find youself a nice game of Solitaire".

    Meantime ... I will continue NOT TO QUIT except when unforeseen, REAL-life events intervene.  Also, I wish to convey to Mr. LUCKYSUMP that I would be honored to be one of the Lucky Friends who he can rely on to play the full game.

    All the best to each of you,

    Scott "Whoop"

  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Sat, Nov 27 2010 5:19 AM

    It's hard to continue a game when thy quit and it locks up now isnt it?

    Yes, I do know its a game, but when you spend close to an hour playing, and then some yahoo quits for no other reason beside's having a bad round it does get on your nerves