borntobesting you've hit the nail on the head, there are times when you have to leave a Game/Match etc etc...I have a Wife a Disabled Child and Two Dogs that at times need my attention.
This cannot be avoided and at times in the past has left me with No Option but to leave, i feel that the other players are let down in the very least and some may think i'm a Quitter but please tell me what i'm to do, do not play i here you shout but there are times i do not have any idea there is going to be a problen.
I was also pissed off with the constant Quitting so i only ever play with Myself (LOL) or play with my friends (Lucky Friends they are too). Blitz and Practice i don't mind its only a practice, I can start again.
My point is you have other options open to you, all you have to do is recognize this problem and do something about it yourself and not expect WGT to sort every problem for us.
In My Humble Opinion.