In case any of you were wondering, the level 97 Nike irons and the new level 100 Nike irons are not that much better than the level 90 R11's.
Aargh! It is not just about better. I HATE buying expensive balls here - lol. With a better meter, I would be very content with the cally 300c ball and using high end balls for special occasions.
I can score with a cally 300c ball, just not consistently as not many can ding round after round with the R11s.
There is no argument that the R11s are great clubs when you are dinging and even missing the ding a little bit.
It is as many people have stated - G0LD being the latest - just a non-sense policy from WGT. It is so unreasonable on the surface that the ONLY reason behind it must be money of some sort.
I think people that think they are going to change WGT by a max exodus are fooling themselves as there is an established community here. But, what is WGT's greatest strength here(the country clubs), may be a weakness as it is easy for word to spread if and ever another option comes along.
I think that there are a lot of legitimate players that reach TL in that L90-95 range that are just getting tortured by WGT, I would just like to know the $$$ behind the decisions as it has to be the $$$.