cdefghi: I said it from day one of the Clashes, that an all out boycott is the only way to make those foolish things disappear, and just maybe the same should be said for this CC xp chase thing we've been killing ourselves on for naught.
OTOH, this "community" thing is quite an invincible thought - people have died in millions for their countries in their wars, justified or not, and here they pay a lot for common success. This is an eternal "für Volk und Vaterland" (*) business model.
(*) (for my people and my home country)
Thus it may be well-thought psycological action - take me as an example:
I have been a hypercritic against it from the very start but I cought myself red-handed, looking to use my free passes, even buy a pass in a clash, to the futile benefit of my CC. *shudders*