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CC Level Table to L evel 17

Sun, Nov 13 2016 10:42 PM (19 replies)
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  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Wed, Feb 4 2015 7:34 PM

    This is what we know so far:

    CC Level  CC XPs   Increase  % Increase
    1                       -                       -   x
    2                2,494              2,494 x
    3              14,963            12,469 500%
    4            149,625         134,662 1080%
    5            403,988         254,363 189%
    6            837,900         433,912 171%
    7        1,496,250         658,350 152%
    8        2,423,925         927,675 141%
    9        5,650,000      3,226,075 348%
    10        8,908,336      3,258,336 101%
    11      12,199,255      3,290,919 101%
    12      15,523,083      3,323,828 101%
    13      18,880,150      3,357,067 101%
    14      22,270,787      3,390,637 101%
    15      25,995,331      3,424,544 101%
    16      29,462,329      3,766,998 110%
    17      34,171,076      4,708,747 125%


    The last two seem particularly steep in my mind. Lets put it this way - the difference between  level 15 and 17 are more CC XPs than all but 27 of the 44,000 CCs have made in the last 6 months......

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 4 2015 8:42 PM
    It's time they put some worthwhile targets on their prize list. Owners didn't ask for this system but now it's being used more than they expected they are certainly moving the goal posts.
  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Feb 4 2015 9:15 PM

    Once again WGT being dumb like a Fox.  They've got us all chasing our own tails buying passes , just to get that planned log jamb at level 20 or so where everyone's on the same level or close to it.  BTW where's that bank you clowns promised us. I can't wait to see the incentives that were promised to appear when you clowns could only see level 15, and not beyond.

    Shame on all of us for being fools.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Wed, Feb 4 2015 10:08 PM

    It's time they put some worthwhile targets on their prize list.

    Why should they change anything?

    The system, including the Clashes, has been of no credits' value for most of the time (minus the putting and shot pals), and nevertheless, CC members enter the grind "for the benefit of their CC" - no other reward necessary. This is an extraordinarily successful business model, get money (credits) for nothing!

    You and us aren't typical because we fall out of the main CC level motivation. While we received the 250 members "limitation" long time ago for a few credits, new CCs will have to work their way up through the levels to get to a reasonable size, using / buying passes.

    TPC, being the leader of the pack, deserves recognition for their outstanding progress, comparable to the top level players. You give further motivation to some who like the competition, detached from the prizes' value.

    Adding the time factor in this list, I'm struck by the fact that you achieved more CC XPs in three to four weeks than we did from the very start (3.5 m).

    My personal motivation to advance further has been set from low to zero when we achieved level 8 and needed a ridiculous 133 % of our total XPs for the next level, while the extreme putting speeds at level 7 have been the last desirable benefit, at least until level 17.

    Good luck for your journey!

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sat, Feb 7 2015 8:39 AM


    Right now the only motivation I see in obtaining the next level is obtaining the next level. 

    I know WGT promised more levels and more benefits over a half a year ago - yet to date nothing new has shown up. Many very good ideas have been posted as to what those benefits could be, but alas not a word from WGT.

    I only track the top 50 CCs in all of WGT but my understanding is that there are over 44,000 CCs.

    The point I have to make however is this:

    Assume for a moment that the increase stays at 25% up until Level 20.

    Level 20 would then require 56,611,195 CC XPs.  The CC I currently have in 50th place will need 6.18 YEARS to make it to Level 20.  So the first 9 levels in 6 months and the next 11 in 6 years. That long for a CC that is in the top 0.1% of all CCs...

    With higher and higher requirements between levels even the "motivating factor" of obtaining the next level, IMO, disappears.




  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sat, Feb 7 2015 9:56 AM

    Right now the only motivation I see in obtaining the next level is obtaining the next level.


    You took that road and you find a way to perform magnificantly as a very active CC *Kudos*

    And you are deadly correct with the "benefits" - they are late, and they are antic!

    Reasonable benefits stop at level 6, extended benefits at level 7. The last resort may be level 11 with the full membership number, and then?

    %%, "officers", Superpasses, tournaments, even nought at lvl 14. You can't buy a thing from these "benefits". Therefore, I don't mind how many years we'd need for level 20, the game might disappear with Flash in the meantime :(

    In conclusion, the only one to benefit is the company, and I pity those young and active CCs that need to jump on that train. At least, they have loosened the grip when lowering the waiting time from 12 to 4 hours for the Clash.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sat, Feb 7 2015 1:19 PM

    wgt does nothing but make promises they never keep. Well except for all the things that were never asked for & do nothing to improve the game. In fact most changes made to the  game make more players angry than happy.

    It must truly suck to care for nothing but money.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 11:48 AM



    Right now the only motivation I see in obtaining the next level is obtaining the next level.


    You took that road and you find a way to perform magnificently as a very active CC *Kudos*

    The Peoples Club is simply an active CC that works together and plays together - I believe that to be the only reason for our high CC XP level. Out of the 250 members we have about 200 that play every day - so many have the maximum consecutive day streak XPs in play every day. We have a large group that gets together right after the start of a new WGT "day" that plays Alt Shot and chats away on our own chat channel. The chat channel brings us all closer.


    And you are deadly correct with the "benefits" - they are late, and they are antic!

    Reasonable benefits stop at level 6, extended benefits at level 7. The last resort may be level 11 with the full membership number, and then?

    %%, "officers", Superpasses, tournaments, even nought at lvl 14. You can't buy a thing from these "benefits". Therefore, I don't mind how many years we'd need for level 20, the game might disappear with Flash in the meantime :(

    For the most part I agree. I would also mention that even the Super Passes have been diluted in value. WGT doubled the number of individual clashes in a Clash Event but left the number of Super Passes as they were. 

    The part I disagree with to some extent is that the number of tournaments is important to a large active CC. Though we have not filled up 20 free tourneys - we did routinely fill 10 or 12 when we got there - causing a bit of disruption at times for on-going tourneys.

    Officers without powers is meaningless and anything more than 4 officers probably is as well. An owner with all powers and then 3 more one to help with membership, one for helping with tourneys and one to help with the CC Forum.

    I have often thought that when WGT implements the CC Bank - it should be a benefit - say at level 10. Multiple reasons for making it a benefit that is hard for a few individuals to reach.


    ... I pity those young and active CCs that need to jump on that train. At least, they have loosened the grip when lowering the waiting time from 12 to 4 hours for the Clash.

    Though I do agree to a certain extent there are some examples of CCs that have started after the CC XP / XL system was adopted that prove that it can be done.

    The Georgian CC set out to do just that near mid September and has done very well getting to Level 12 with 15.8 million CC XPs as of this morning.

    Another in a way is more impressive and should be congratulated as they were just trying to reestablish the CC they once had - The Yorkshire County GC.

    Many of us know the story of The Yorkshire County Golf Club and their owner that disappeared of the face of the earth and their plea for help from WGT.

    The Yorkshire County GC formed in early October basically 2 full months after WGT implemented the CC XP / XL system and today sits at Level 9 with over 6 million CC XPs generated in 4 months. I fully expect them to be in the top 50 the next time we know for certain (the day that the 50th place CC switches from Level 9 to Level 10).

    The sillier thing however is this.  Under the new free pass every 4 hours during a CC event process the CC that is growing and wants to be able to get more members should not play in the Clash event....

    A small growing / active CC should have members play their CC Passes in CC Tourneys getting their 180 plus score for CC XPs rather than the Clash's 90 plus their score. The extra 90 XPs. Simply the 90 CC XPs times say 8 rounds that could be played over 2 days using free CC Passes would yield the CC 720 CC XPs more per member. Even if that CC finished in the top 3 (it will not) they would each get 5 free passes and make at most 450 of those 720 back.

    None-the-less, even though I fell into that trap, I also would say there is no good reason to buy a CC Pass even for those small "want to grow" CCs - simply get members to play every day and use their free pass on their first round of the day. Teach members how to play one hole a day for days when they do not have time to play a full 9 or 18 holes. Get them the information the moment they join the CC and BOOM - the CC can grow to a 250 member CC in 6 months or less for free. Not too bad a time-frame in my mind.

    The thought behind a geometrical increase in CC XPs like we are seeing in the last 2 levels (XL15 to XL17) is highly questionable however. In this case there are no benefits what-so-ever other than attaining the next CC XL. With the current rise even the "silly" benefit of getting to the next level is gone.


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 12:07 PM

    We all know that the "silly" benefit of getting to these higher and near unattainable levels Ed, is a direct result of WGT's policy of implementing things without any long term plans other than creating cash flow.  Time and time again, their new ideas just blow up in their faces from  lack of foresight, an example being the three gross representations of tee markers they developed for the Clash's. Just tell me please how many positive remarks you've heard about the gnomes, ugly puppies, or the hearts, yet they keep throwing those useless prizes out there.

    I said it from day one of the Clashes, that an all out boycott is the only way to make those foolish things disappear, and just maybe the same should be said for this CC xp chase thing we've been killing ourselves on for naught.

  • IrmaLamy
    2,981 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 12:56 PM

    Dear chatt followers in here,

    There is no chase for CC XP's, no Clash reason to be n°1 and no need to buy Passes to get more of those points as you get them anyhow for free


    There are a bunch of people not knowing what to do with their credits, time or spare time on here and they/we/i just carry-on playing this game.


    It's not for the prices we get, the credits we gain but mainly just for the fun of playing,

    At the end of the day, only WGT are those who are smiling with their pockets growing and growing

    But in an other way as not that much new stuff can be bought so what to do with your credits?

    I guess i know the answer of a few here on WGT

    Keep on having fun and hit them straight!

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